標題: 複合式訓練對提升羽球選手競賽表現影響之文獻回顧
A Literature Review of the Influence of Complex Training on the Improvement of Badminton Players' Competitive Ability
作者: 陳志威
Chih-Wei Chen
Yen-Pang Wang
關鍵字: 複合式訓練;增強式訓練;重量訓練;complex training;plyometric training;weight training
公開日期: 1-十二月-2020
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 羽球競賽規則從「發球得分制」改成「落地得分制」後,整體競賽結構的改變,除了縮短競賽時間,因來回球速變快,選手在速度、爆發力及肌力上也有了更高的要求。在傳統的訓練當中經常以重量訓練來提升選手的肌力,以增強式訓練來提升肌力與爆發力,近年來研究之範疇旨在表明一次的訓練當中同時實施重量訓練及增強式訓練,也就是複合式訓練能有效的提升選手肌力及爆發力。因此,本文以文獻回顧的方式來探討,複合式訓練的成效是否優於單獨實施重量訓練或增強式訓練,並探討複合式訓練對提升羽球選手競賽表現之影響。多篇研究指出複合式訓練在提升肌力及爆發力的成效優於單獨實施重量訓練或增強式訓練。目前較少研究將複合式訓練實際運用在羽球選手上,期望未來研究可以複合式訓練對羽球選手運動能力之影響為方向,能有更多更完整針對羽球運動員的複合式訓練研究供羽球教練訓練參考。
After the rules of badminton competition were changed from the "scoring-by-service scoring system" to the "rally-point scoring system," the overall competition structure was changed, which not only shortens the time of competition, players also had higher requirements in speed, explosive power, and strength due to the faster returned speed of shuttle. In traditional training, weight training is often adopted to improve athletes' strength, while the plyometric training is adopted to improve their strength and explosive power. In recent years, scholars have begun to think of and study on implementing weight training and plyometric training simultaneously in one training, which is so called complex training. Therefore, this paper discusses whether the effectiveness of complex training is better than that of implementing weight training or enhancement training alone by utilizing literature review, and discusses the influence of complex training on the improvement of badminton players' ability of competitive skill. Several studies have pointed out that the effectiveness of complex training in improving muscle strength and explosive power is better than that of implementing weight training or enhancement training alone. At present, only a few studies have applied complex training to badminton players in practice. It is expected that future studies can be oriented to the influence of complex training on badminton players' athletic ability, and that more and more complete studies on complex training applied to badminton players can be provided to badminton coaches for reference.
URI: https://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh?DocID=P20110824004-202012-202101120006-202101120006-92-100&PublishTypeID=P001
ISSN: 2219-5696
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 16
起始頁: 92
結束頁: 100