標題: GOAL1 終結貧窮
GOAL1 No Poverty
作者: 校務大數據研究中心
Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
公開日期: Jan-2023
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學校務大數據研究中心
Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
摘要: 【學術研究】 國家長期照護2.0制度研究 家庭獲得乾淨飲用水的決定性因素研究 【社會公眾參與】 台灣偏鄉與離島的醫療及教學需求 服務偏鄉與社會弱勢學童 【教育與育才】 國際人才培育計畫 終結貧窮相關課程 【校園永續活動】 提供返台就學境外生關懷與補助 疫情之下推動安心就學方案
【Research】 National Long-Term Care System 2.0 Research Research on the Determining Factors of Household Access to Clean Drinking Water 【Social Impact】 Understanding the Medical and Educational Needs of Remote Communities and Outlying Islands in Taiwan Helping Rural and Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Schoolchildren 【Student Cultivation】 International Talent Training Program Courses Related to Eradicating Poverty Care and Subsidies for International Students Returning to Taiwan Implementation of the Safe Learning Plan in Response to the Pandemic
URI: https://sdgs.nycu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2022_report_ch.pdf
期刊: 2022國立陽明交通大學永續發展報告書
2022 Sustainable Development Annual Report
起始頁: 9
結束頁: 14
Appears in Collections:Sustainable Development Annual Report

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