Title: 導言:聆聽宗教活動與儀式中的族群性
Introduction: Listening to the Ethnicity in the Religious Activities and Rituals
Authors: 劉延芳
Yanfang Liou
Keywords: 族群性;宗教與儀式音樂;漢人族群;Ethnicity;Religious and ritual music;Han ethnic group
Issue Date: May-2023
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 因不同族群的移民與統治,臺灣族群之間的關係多元。宗教傳播使得宗教或族群的認同,產生變動,或藉由展演的重要的元素鞏固。音樂即為多數宗教活動與儀式中,不可或缺的要素。日治時期,為殖民統治目的進行調查採集。之後,臺灣學者為建構族群認同與進行學術研究,採集音樂,呈現不同的族群關係。本專刊所收錄的四篇專文的研究主體為,日本殖民統治族群與被統治的漢人族群
Due to different ethnic groups migrating and dominating
the relationships between ethnic groups in Taiwan are multiple. The transmission of religion made the religious or ethnic identities varied or consolidated through performing important elements. Music is the indispensable element in the most of religious activities and rituals. During the Japanese dominating period
the purpose of investigation and collection were for colonial rule. Later
the Taiwanese scholars collected music for constructing ethnic identity and conducting academic research. The research objects of four articles in the issue are the Japanese dominant group and the colonized Han group
the Hakka and Minnan group of Han people in Taiwan
the local religious groups of Taoism in Taiwan
and the Hakka group in the Western religion in Taiwan. The various types of religious and ritual activities are discussed to listen to the embodied ethnicity.
URI: http://ghk.hakka.nycu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=57&CA_ID=598
ISSN: 2308-2437
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 20
Begin Page: 2
End Page: 11
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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