標題: 凝視堂奧:臺灣客家建築之傳統及其當代性
Gazing at the Táng Ào: Exploring Traditional and Contemporary Hakka Architecture in Taiwan
作者: 劉懷仁
Huai-ren Liou
關鍵字: 臺灣客家::當代建築::客家庄::漢式建築::伙(夥)房;Taiwan Hakka::Period Architecture::Hakka Village::Hokkien and Hakka Buildings::Fo^ Fongˇ(伙[夥]房)
公開日期: 十一月-2023
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 中國大陸傳統圓(土)樓建築一般來說在臺灣歷史上從未出現過,這樣的基本認知已昭然若揭。但弔詭的是,在當代客家建築設計中,常將土樓或圓樓做為視覺印記,此局面在2000年代後如雨後春筍興建,甚至高達23棟之多,長期以來被誤解與異植。是故,有必要作相當程度之釐清,避免積重難返,創造出一段與事實相悖的歷史。本研究藉由歷史文獻爬梳和田野調查之現象觀察發現,臺灣傳統客家建築形式有其發展脈絡與延續,並非媒體或縣市政府各級機關所認知的圓樓或土樓,題旨企圖導正大眾對於臺灣客家建築之認識,以及觸發學術界各方領域之關注與正視,並作為當代客家建築設計的基礎資料建立和研究。
The táng ào, a traditional circular earth building found in mainland China that is unique to the Hakka people, has never been historically observed in Taiwan. However, and paradoxically, in contemporary Hakka architectural design in Taiwan, circular earth buildings often appear in visual images, forming clusters of up to 23 buildings. This phenomenon has rapidly become more prevalent since the 2000s, leading to misconceptions that have persisted over time. Therefore, this topic must be clarified to prevent historical misconceptions from accumulating and to create an accurate historical narrative. Through a review of historical documents and a field survey, this study clarified the context of development and threads of continuity in traditional Hakka architectural design in Taiwan. Notably, the design used in Taiwan does not conform to the images of the táng ào as shown by the media or local governments and agencies of Taiwan. This study aims to deepen the public's understanding of Hakka architecture in Taiwan, attract the attention of scholars from various fields, and establish a foundational data set for the study of contemporary Hakka architectural design in Taiwan.
URI: https://ghk.hakka.nycu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=58&CA_ID=608
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 21
起始頁: 119
結束頁: 166


  1. Global Hakka Studies(NO.21-4).pdf

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