標題: LLBT: An LLVM-based Static Binary Translator
作者: Shen, Bor-Yeh
Chen, Jiunn-Yeu
Hsu, Wei-Chung
Yang, Wuu
National Chiao Tung University
關鍵字: Static binary translation;compiler;retargeting;intermediate representation
公開日期: 2012
摘要: Lack of applications has always been a serious concern for designing machines with a new but incompatible ISA. To address this concern, binary translation is one common technique to migrate applications from one legacy ISA to new ones. In the past, dynamic binary translation (DBT) has been more widely adopted for migrating applications since it avoids some challenging problems for binary translation such as code discovery for variable length ISA and code location issues for handling indirect branches. Static binary translation (SBT) is usually regarded as a less general solution and has not been actively researched on. However, SBT has advantages of performing more aggressive optimizations, which could yield more compact code and greater code quality. In general, SBT translated applications are likely to consume less memory, processor cycles and power, and can be started more quickly. All the above advantages are more critical for embedded systems than for general systems. Therefore, we believe that even though SBT is not as general as DBT, it has a unique role to play for migrating applications in embedded systems. In this paper, we designed and implemented a new portable SBT tool, called LLBT, which translates source binary into LLVM IR and then retargets the LLVM IR to various ISAs by using the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Using the LLVM compiler infrastructure, LLBT successfully leverages two important functionalities from LLVM: the comprehensive optimizations and the retargetability. For example, most DBTs map guest architecture states into the host registers to minimize accessing guest architecture states with memory operations, but must deal with guest architecture state saving/reloading at trace/block entry/exit points. LLBT can treat the complete application binary as a single function and uses the global register allocation optimization in LLVM to consistently map guest architecture states in host registers so as to avoid the costly state saving and reloading at trace/block exits. In this paper, we have shown our ARM-based LLBT can effectively migrate EEMBC benchmark Suite from ARMv5 to Intel IA32, Intel x64, MIPS, and other ARMs such as ARMv7. On the Intel i7 based host systems, the LLBT generated code can run 3 to 64 times faster than emulating with QEMU, which uses the DBT technique.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/23154
ISBN: 978-1-4503-1424-4
起始頁: 51
結束頁: 60
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper