標題: The Association of Taste with Change in Adiposity-Related Health Measures
作者: Fischer, Mary E.
Cruickshanks, Karen J.
Schubert, Carla R.
Pinto, Alex
Huang, Guan-Hua
Klein, Barbara E. K.
Klein, Ronald
Pankow, James S.
Institute of Statistics
關鍵字: Taste intensity;Adiposity;Cluster analysis;Longitudinal;Food hedonics
公開日期: 1-八月-2014
摘要: The relationship between taste-intensity patterns and 5-year change in adiposity-related health measures was determined. Participants were members of the Beaver Dam Offspring Study, a study of the adult children of participants in the population-based Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study. There were 1,918 participants (mean baseline age=48.8 years; range=22 to 84 years) with baseline taste (2005 to 2008) and follow-up (2010 to 2013) data Outcomes included 5-year change in body mass index, waist circumference, blood pressure, non high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glycosylated hemoglobin A1c, and hedonic ratings of specific foods. Cluster analysis with Ward\'s minimum variance method identified the following 5 patterns of the suprathreshold taste intensities of salt, sweet, sour, and bitter: salt and sweet intensities slightly above population averages, average sour and bitter intensities; salt, sour, and bitter intensities above population average, average sweet intensity; salt, sour, and bitter intensities above population average, sweet intensity substantially above average; all intensities below population averages; and all intensities close to population average. The General Linear Model procedure was used for testing cluster differences in the outcomes. With covariate adjustment, the group with all intensities close to population averages had a significantly lower average increase in body mass index compared with the group with above-average intensities for salt, sour, and bitter (+0.4 vs +0.9), and in glycosylated hemoglobin A1 c compared with the group with above-average intensities for all tastes (+0.20% vs +0.34%). Clusters differed in the hedonics of foods representing sweetness and saltiness. The study\'s findings provide evidence that perceived taste intensity might be related to changes in adiposity-related health.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2014.04.013
ISSN: 2212-2672
DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.04.013
Volume: 114
Issue: 8
起始頁: 1195
結束頁: 1202


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