標題: A Corotational Finite Element Method Combined with Floating Frame Method for Large Steady-State Deformation and Free Vibration Analysis of a Rotating-Inclined Beam
作者: Tsai, Ming Hsu
Lin, Wen Yi
Zhou, Yu Chun
Hsiao, Kuo Mo
Department of Mechanical Engineering
公開日期: 2011
摘要: A corotational finite element method combined with floating frame method and a numerical procedure is proposed to investigate large steady-state deformation and infinitesimal-free vibration around the steady-state deformation of a rotating-inclined Euler beam at constant angular velocity. The element nodal forces are derived using the consistent second-order linearization of the nonlinear beam theory, the d'Alembert principle, and the virtual work principle in a current inertia element coordinates, which is coincident with a rotating element coordinate system constructed at the current configuration of the beam element. The governing equations for linear vibration are obtained by the first-order Taylor series expansion of the equation of motion at the position of steady-state deformation. Numerical examples are studied to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method and to investigate the steady-state deformation and natural frequency of the rotating beam with different inclined angle, angular velocities, radius of the hub, and slenderness ratios.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/25905
ISSN: 1024-123X
DOI: 10.1155/2011/146505


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