標題: Understanding Negative Impacts of Perceived Cognitive Load on Job Learning Effectiveness: A Social Capital Solution
作者: Lin, Chieh-Peng
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: cognitive load;shared vision;trust;network ties;role conflict;role ambiguity
公開日期: 1-十二月-2010
摘要: Objective: This study proposes a model explaining how social capital helps ease excessively required mental effort. Background: Although organizational researchers have studied both social capital and cognitive load, no prior research has critically examined the role of social capital in improving individuals' mental load and effort and consequently enhancing job learning effectiveness. Method: This study surveys participants made up of professionals in Taiwan's information technology industry. It measures the constructs with the use of 5-point Likert-type scale items modified from existing literature. The survey data were analyzed with the use of structural equation modeling. Results: Job learning effectiveness is negatively influenced by role ambiguity and role conflict. Time pressure has a positive influence on role ambiguity and role conflict. Although the relationship between task complexity and role ambiguity is insignificant, task complexity has a positive influence on role conflict. Because the relationship between network ties and role conflict is insignificant, trust has a negative influence on role conflict. Last, shared vision has a negative influence on role ambiguity. Conclusion: This study provides an example of how social capital can be applied as a useful remedy to ease the negative impact of perceived cognitive load on job learning effectiveness. Application: The negative relationship between shared vision and role ambiguity suggests that a shared vision helps in disseminating organizationally common goals and directions among employees to alleviate individuals' mental efforts in dealing with the ambiguity of their job roles. A firm's management team should take actions to decrease role conflict by strengthening trust among employees.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0018720810386606
ISSN: 0018-7208
DOI: 10.1177/0018720810386606
Volume: 52
Issue: 6
起始頁: 627
結束頁: 642

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