標題: Inorganic acid emission factors of semiconductor manufacturing processes
作者: Chein, HM
Chen, TM
Aggarwal, SG
Tsai, CJ
Huang, CC
Institute of Environmental Engineering
公開日期: 1-二月-2004
摘要: A huge amount of inorganic acids can be produced and emitted with waste gases from integrated circuit manufacturing processes such as cleaning and etching. Emission of inorganic acids from selected semiconductor factories was measured in this study. The sampling of the inorganic acids was based on the porous metal denuders, and samples were then analyzed by ion chromatography. The amount of chemical usage was adopted from the data that were reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau in Hsin-chu County according to the Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency regulation. The emission factor is defined as the emission rate (kg/month) divided by the amount of chemical usage (L/month). Emission factors of three inorganic acids (i.e., hydrofluoric acid [HF], hydrochloric acid [HCl], and sulfuric acid [H2SO4]) were estimated by the same method. The emission factors of HF and HCl were determined to be 0.0075 kg/L (coefficient of variation [CV] = 60.7%, n = 80) and 0.0096 kg/L (CV = 68.2%, n = 91), respectively. Linear regression equations are proposed to fit the data with correlation coefficient square (R-2) = 0.82 and 0.9, respectively. The emission factor of H2SO4, which is in the droplet form, was determined to be 0.0016 kg/L (CV = 99.2%, n = 107), and its R-2 was 0.84. The emission profiles of gaseous inorganic acids show that HF is the dominant chemical in most of the fabricators.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/27049
ISSN: 1047-3289
Volume: 54
Issue: 2
起始頁: 218
結束頁: 228


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