標題: Nonparametric identification of a building structure from experimental data using wavelet neural network
作者: Hung, SL
Huang, CS
Wen, CM
Hsu, YC
Department of Civil Engineering
公開日期: 1-九月-2003
摘要: This study presents a wavelet neural network-based approach to dynamically identifying and modeling a building structure. By combining wavelet decomposition and artificial neural networks (ANN), wavelet neural networks (WNN) are used for solving chaotic signal processing. The basic operations and training method of wavelet neural networks are briefly introduced, since these networks can approximate universal functions. The feasibility of structural behavior modeling and the possibility of structural health monitoring using wavelet neural networks are investigated. The practical application of a wavelet neural network to the structural dynamic modeling of a building frame in shaking tests is considered in an example. Structural acceleration responses under various levels of the strength of the Kobe earthquake were used to train and then test the WNNs. The results reveal that the WNNs not only identify the structural dynamic model, but also can be applied to monitor the health condition of a building structure under strong external excitation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/27577
ISSN: 1093-9687
Volume: 18
Issue: 5
起始頁: 356
結束頁: 368


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