標題: Grain-boundary magnetoresistance of CrO2 films grown on TiO2-buffered LaAlO3 substrates
作者: Liu, SJ
Juang, JY
Wu, KH
Uen, TM
Gou, YS
Lin, JY
Department of Electrophysics
Institute of Physics
公開日期: 1-Aug-2003
摘要: The magnetic and magnetotransport properties of predominantly (110)-oriented CrO2 films grown on TiO2-buffered LaAlO3 substrates were investigated. The atomic force microscopic images revealed that the as-grown CrO2 films are granular. The magnetic measurements indicated that in-plane coercive fields are about 60 Oe and 100 Oe at 300 K and 7 K, respectively. The as-grown films are semiconductive below 75 K; a magnetoresistance with a DeltaR/R-0 ratio of -13% in a magnetic field of 5 T was observed at 5 K, which is absent in high-quality epitaxial films. The coincidence between the coercive field and the peaks of the magnetoresistive loop measured at low temperatures indicates that spin-dependent scattering plays a crucial role in the transport properties.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/27660
ISSN: 0577-9073
Volume: 41
Issue: 4
起始頁: 406
結束頁: 413
Appears in Collections:Articles