標題: Adjustment of relative gravity measurements using weighted and datum-free constraints
作者: Hwang, CW
Wang, CG
Lee, LH
Department of Civil Engineering
關鍵字: relative gravity;weighted constraint;datum free;gravimeter;Chi-Chi earthquake;Taiwan
公開日期: 1-十一月-2002
摘要: A program in FORTRAN 90 is developed which can adjust relative gravity measurements and solve for gravimeter parameters using the weighted constraint and datum-free constraint models. The weighted constraint model is chosen when there exist reliable a priori gravity values for use as supplementary data, or when it is required that a gravity network be attached to an existing gravity network of a higher order. The datum-free model uniquely determines relative gravity values among all stations without the need of a fixed gravity value, thus it is suitable for detecting relative gravity change. The optional solve-for gravimeter parameters include drift coefficients, and coefficients of the long wavelength and periodic components of calibration function. The program can also detect outliers in observations using the T-test method. A set of relative gravity data in Taiwan was used to test this program using five different choices of command-line arguments. The results show that there are no outliers in these data and that the estimated reading accuracy of the LaCoste and Romberg G meter (serial number 838) is about 0.02 mgal and the gravimeter drift rate is 0.9 mgal/month. The coefficients of the long wavelength and periodic components of calibration function are statistically equal to zero. The result from the datum-free solution is used to detect gravity variation due to the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, concluding that only one station experiences a significant change. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0098-3004(02)00005-5
ISSN: 0098-3004
DOI: 10.1016/S0098-3004(02)00005-5
Volume: 28
Issue: 9
起始頁: 1005
結束頁: 1015


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