標題: Characteristics of transmission of electrons in a quantum wire tangentially attached to a superconductor ring threaded by magnetic flux
作者: Gu, BY
Lu, Y
Yang, TJ
Department of Electrophysics
公開日期: 1-四月-2002
摘要: We present numerical investigations of the transmission properties of electrons in a normal quantum wire tangentially attached to a superconductor ring threaded by magnetic flux. A point scatterer with a delta-function potential is placed at node to model scattering effect. We find that the transmission characteristics of electrons in this structure strongly depend on the normal or superconducting state of the ring. The transmission probability as a function of the energy of incident electrons, in the case of a superconductor ring threaded by one quantum magnetic flux, emerges one deep dip, imposed upon the first broad bump in spectrum. This intrinsic conductance dip originates from the superconductor state of the ring. When increasing the magnetic flux from one quantum magnetic flux to two, the spectrum shifts toward higher energy region in the whole. This conductance dip accordingly shifts and appears in the second bump. In the presence of a point-scatterer at the node, the spectrum is substantially modified. Based on the condition of I he formation of the standing wave functions in the ring and the broken of the time-reserve symmetry of Schrodinger equation after switching magnetic flux, the characteristics of transmission of electrons in this structure can be well understood.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10051-002-8992-2
ISSN: 1434-6028
DOI: 10.1007/s10051-002-8992-2
Volume: 26
Issue: 4
起始頁: 493
結束頁: 502


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