標題: An aperture-coupled linear microstrip leaky-wave antenna array with two-dimensional dual-beam scanning capability
作者: Hu, CC
Jou, CF
Wu, JJ
Institute of Communication Studies
關鍵字: antenna arrays;aperture-coupled antennas;leaky-wave antennas;microstrip antennas
公開日期: 1-六月-2000
摘要: This paper describes an X-band 4 x 1 aperture-coupled series-fed electronically steerable microstrip leaky-wave antenna (LWA) array design, which has dual-beam radiation pattern and two-dimensional (2-D) beam-scanning capability. The LWA array is operated in the first higher order mode and excited by center-fed aperture coupled for dual-beam operation. The varactor-tuned phase shifters are placed between the antenna elements. The measured half-power beamwidth of the H-plane and quasi-E-plane radiation patterns are less than 30 degrees. By tuning the reverse de bias of the varactor diodes, the main beam can be scanned in azimuth plane from -13 degrees to +13 degrees off broadside. In the elevation plane, the beam-scanning angle is close to 20 degrees as the operating frequency tuned from 11.58-12.5 GHz. Taking into account each phase-shifter insertion loss and phase progression, the measured results compared closely with the theoretical prediction, The proposed antenna array is suitable for wireless communication and collision warning radar systems.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/8.865223
ISSN: 0018-926X
DOI: 10.1109/8.865223
Volume: 48
Issue: 6
起始頁: 909
結束頁: 913

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