標題: Influence of design and operation parameters on bag-cleaning performance of pulse-jet baghouse
作者: Lu, HC
Tsai, CJ
Institute of Environmental Engineering
公開日期: 1-六月-1999
摘要: In this study, a filter test system with clean new fabric bags was used to measure the pulse pressure and acceleration of the filter bag. Fabric acceleration and pulse pressure were used as an index of bag-cleaning intensity. The jet pump curves, which relate the flow rate through the venturi to the average developed pressure by the venturi, were determined by the similar system. The intersection of the jet pump curve and the bag operating line, which relates the pressure drop to flow rate across the bag during pulse-jet cleaning, is the system operating point that was used to predict the average pulse pressure in the bag during pulse-jet cleaning. Experimental results of this study show that a higher pulse pressure can be achieved without the venturi at the top of the bag for bag materials with low resistance coefficient. For bags with higher resistance coefficients, higher pulse pressure is obtained with a venturi installed at the top of the bag. The predicted pressure values are in good agreement with experimental data. Dimensional analysis for jet pump performance was developed to reduce the experimental data. The results show that the jet pump curves obtained under different operating conditions can be reduced to the same nondimensional curve, which can be used to facilitate the design and operation of a pulse-jet cleaning system.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(1999)125:6(583)
ISSN: 0733-9372
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(1999)125:6(583)
Volume: 125
Issue: 6
起始頁: 583
結束頁: 591


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