標題: A new true-single-phase-clocking BiCMOS dynamic pipelined logic family for high-speed, low-voltage pipelined system applications
作者: Tseng, YK
Wu, CY
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
關鍵字: BiCMOS pipelined system;ion-voltage BiCMOS dynamic logic circuits;true single-phase clocking (TSPC)
公開日期: 1-一月-1999
摘要: New true-single-phase-clocking (TSPC) BiCMOS/ BiNMOS/BiPMOS dynamic logic circuits and BiCMOS/BiNMOS dynamic latch logic circuits for high-speed dynamic pipelined system applications are proposed and analyzed, In the proposed circuits, the bootstrapping technique is utilized to achieve fast near-full-swing operation. The circuit performance of the proposed new dynamic logic circuits and dynamic latch logic circuits in both domino and pipelined applications are simulated by using HSPICE with 1-mu m BiCMOS technology, Simulation results have shown that the new dynamic logic circuits and dynamic latch logic circuits in both domino and pipelined applications have better speed performance than that of CMOS and other BiCMOS dynamic logic circuits as the supply voltage is scaled down to 2 V. The operating frequency and power dissipation/MHz of the pipelined system, which is constructed by the new clock-high-evaluate-BiCMOS dynamic latch logic circuit and clock-low-evaluate-BiCMOS (BiNMOS) dynamic latch logic circuit, and the logic units with two stacked RIGS transistors, are about 2.36 (2.2) times and 1.15 (1.1) times those of the CMOS TSPC dynamic logic under 1.5-pF output loading at 2 V, respectively, Moreover, the chip area of these two BiCMOS pipelined systems is about 1.9 times and 1.7 times as compared with that of the CMOS TSPC pipelined system. A two-input dynamic AND gate fabricated with 1-mu m BiCMOS technology verifies the speed advantage of the new BiNMOS dynamic logic circuit, Due to the excellent circuit performance in high-speed, low-voltage operation, the proposed new dynamic logic circuits and dynamic latch logic circuits are feasible for high-speed, Low-voltage dynamic pipelined system applications.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/4.736657
ISSN: 0018-9200
DOI: 10.1109/4.736657
Volume: 34
Issue: 1
起始頁: 68
結束頁: 79


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