標題: A modified multi-chemical spray cleaning process for post shallow trench isolation chemical mechanical polishing cleaning application
作者: Wang, YL
Wang, TC
Wu, J
Tseng, WT
Lin, CF
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
關鍵字: chemical mechanical polishing;shallow trench isolation;post-CMP cleaning;multi-chemicals spray cleaning
公開日期: 2-十一月-1998
摘要: Chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) has become widely accepted for the formation of device interconnect structures. Shallow trench isolation technology (STI) utilizes CMP and has been applied to deep-sub-micron processes. Poly Si, CVD Si or SiO2 can be grown or deposited in the trench and planarized by a CMP process. However, the typical wafer surface is contaminated with slurry particles and metallic impurities after the CMP process. The silica particles may damage the VLSI patterns and the metallic impurities can induce many crystal defects in Si wafers during the following furnace processing. Therefore, the post CMP clean is a very important step for the STI process. However, the wafer for poly-Si surface is hydrophobic, SiO2 surface is hydrophilic and Si film is very easy to charge up. Thus, the defect can be difficult to remove by a conventional cleaning technique. In this study: we propose the use of a modified multi-chemicals spray cleaning process for post STI CMP cleaning. We used a modified and heated ammonia/peroxide mix (APM) clean with an ammonia pre-soak and an HF step to etch a thin layer for the removal of trapped metallic ions which can be followed by a hydrochloric/peroxide mix (HPM) clean process to assist in the removal of metallic ions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/31762
ISSN: 0040-6090
Volume: 332
Issue: 1-2
起始頁: 385
結束頁: 390


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