標題: Nanogrids and Beehive-Like Nanostructures Formed by Plasma Etching the Self-Organized SiGe Islands
作者: Chang, Yuan-Ming
Jian, Sheng-Rui
Juang, Jenh-Yih
Department of Electrophysics
關鍵字: SiGe;High-resolution reciprocal space mapping;SEM;AFM;TEM
公開日期: 1-九月-2010
摘要: A lithography-free method for fabricating the nanogrids and quasi-beehive nanostructures on Si substrates is developed. It combines sequential treatments of thermal annealing with reactive ion etching (RIE) on SiGe thin films grown on (100)-Si substrates. The SiGe thin films deposited by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition form self-assembled nanoislands via the strain-induced surface roughening (Asaro-Tiller-Grinfeld instability) during thermal annealing, which, in turn, serve as patterned sacrifice regions for subsequent RIE process carried out for fabricating nanogrids and beehive-like nanostructures on Si substrates. The scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy observations confirmed that the resultant pattern of the obtained structures can be manipulated by tuning the treatment conditions, suggesting an interesting alternative route of producing self-organized nanostructures.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11671-010-9661-7
ISSN: 1931-7573
DOI: 10.1007/s11671-010-9661-7
Volume: 5
Issue: 9
起始頁: 1456
結束頁: 1463


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