標題: Identification of robust untestable path delay faults
作者: Wu, WC
Lee, CL
Chen, JE
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
關鍵字: path delay fault;robust delay testing;untestable fault
公開日期: 1-Sep-1997
摘要: This paper presents a theoretical analysis to identify robust untestable path delay faults. Firstly, it classifies the reconvergence of paths into seven cases and deduces the necessary conditions to robustly test path delay faults for each case. It then proposes a procedure, based on the deduced conditions, to identify the robust untestable path delay faults. The procedure is suitable for distributed processing by circuit partitioning to reduce the computation time and required memory. Experimental results on ISCAS 85' benchmark circuits show that the robust untestable faults occupy a high percentage of the total faults and high speedup can be obtained for distributed processing. In addition, it also presents a method to estimate the number of robust untestable path delay faults for a circuit.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/355
ISSN: 0253-3839
Volume: 20
Issue: 5
起始頁: 549
結束頁: 559
Appears in Collections:Articles