標題: 基於力回饋搖桿之毛筆字書寫輔助系統
Calligraphy Teaching System based on a Force-Reflection Joystick
作者: 丁怡翔
Yi-Shiang Din
Kuu-Young Young
關鍵字: 虛擬引導;虛擬場景;書法;復健;手寫;virtual guidance;virtual environment;calligraphy;rehabilitation;handwriting
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 在傳統教學上,學生習字都是透過教師在黑板上示範,接著學生從模仿教師的書寫動作中進行學習,由於在課堂上是一對多教育,加上有學習時間限制,老師無暇顧及每位學生,即使從批改學生的作業本上,也只能看出字形的外觀,無法從紙本上判斷出筆劃順序是否正確,因而有學者提出利用虛擬場景(Virtual environment)配合虛擬導引(Virtual guidance)來輔助操作者學習,讓學習者能自行正確的練習。虛擬導引乃透過虛擬場景中提供的視覺、力覺等對操作者提供輔助,在操作上的穩定性以及效率都有相當大的幫助。對於習字教育輔助學習方法,已有相當多的研究及著作,本文提出一虛擬力輔助方法,該方法利用虛擬場景提供操作者視覺回饋,配合力輔助,使操作者在操作過程中可藉由輔助策略對於操作者在毛筆字書寫上面,進行虛擬力輔助以達到學習的效果。利用所提出的方法,我們建構了一毛筆字書寫輔助系統,並進行實驗,獲得不錯的實驗結果,證明我們所設計的輔助系統能夠有效地改善操作者的毛筆字書寫。
In general, students learn to write by imitating teacher's handwriting on the blackboard in traditional education. Due to the one-to-more teaching and limited time, allowed the teacher cannot look at each student’s handwriting carefully. Although student’s writings can be recognized by their looks, the teacher cannot figure whether the writing sequences are correct. Therefore, there are some researchers proposing using the virtual environment and guidance to assist the students in learning the handwriting by themselves. In this thesis, we propose a novel virtual guidance system, which provides both visual and physical assistance to the users. This system, the Calligraphy Teaching System, can help the users to achieve their learning goal through proper assistance strategies. The experiments show that the proposed system effectively correct the handwriting of the users who perform better than before.


  1. 260501.pdf
  2. 260502.pdf

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