標題: 臺灣機械出口至祕魯之可行性研究
Exporting Taiwanese Machinery to Industries in Peru - A Feasibility Study
作者: Miriam
關鍵字: 國際貿易;出口模式;海關條例;關稅;非關稅;國際商業貿易條款;木工機器;滑動檯面裁版機;international trade;export model;customs regulations;tariff;non-tariff;incoterms;woodworking machines;sliding table saw
公開日期: 2007
摘要:   本研究在於探討透過國際貿易架構,出口台灣木工機器至祕魯之可行性,並討論新出口模式的功能。   祕魯的Villa El Salvador園區是中小企業的發展首善之區,木工產業是該園區主要產業之一,需要各式各樣的木工機器。本研究目的在於決定台灣滑動檯面裁版機出口至祕魯市場的可行性。我們利用三種不同出口模式發展新的出口模式,証明台灣滑動檯面裁版機出口至祕魯市場的可行性,並具有獲利空間。此外,本研究將為成為未來台灣計劃出口其他產品至拉丁美洲各國家的基礎。
The present study refers to the feasibility study on exporting woodworking machines from Taiwan to Peru into the international trade framework. This study is conducted through the use of a new export model. Villa El Salvador Industrial Park is Peru's leading industrial park for small and medium enterprises, where woodworking is one of the major manufacturing activities, and requires a wide variety of machines such as sliding table saws, which is our subject of interest. The main goal of the research is to determine the viability of exporting a Taiwanese sliding table saw into the Peruvian market. We will make use of the new export model, developed in base of three different export models, to demonstrate that exporting sliding table saw from Taiwan to Peru is highly viable, and selling sliding table saws on the Peruvian market is a profitable business opportunity. Moreover, this research will serve as a basis for future exporting plans or research to assess the viability of launching a Taiwanese product into the Peruvian market or a different market in other Latin American countries.

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  1. 262801.pdf
  2. 262802.pdf

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