標題: 渦卷設計逆向工程曲線擬合之研究
Study on Curve Fitting in Reverse Engineering of Scroll Design
作者: 林育生
Yusheng Lin
Chinghua Hung
關鍵字: 渦卷;曲線擬合;逆向工程;Scrolls;Curve Fitting;Reverse Engineering
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本文主旨在建立渦卷設計之逆向工程曲線擬合理論,及其電腦輔助應用程式。將量測的渦卷原始座標點資料,進行前處理,經兩階段曲線擬合及兩階段座標旋轉,求取渦卷擬合設計參數,並計算擬合誤差,透過區域擬合降低渦卷頭部及尾部特殊設計對渦卷曲線擬合所造成的誤差。 本研究系統實現是以Visual basic 2005為應用程式開發工具,發展一套同時擁有渦卷逆向工程曲線擬合及渦卷製造誤差檢測之視窗化物件導向式電腦輔助分析系統。針對經由三次元量測儀或影像檢測系統所取得之渦卷外型座標點資料,擬合求取原設計參數,並重新建立設計模型,提供渦卷設計者分析其設計優劣。應用程式亦可輸入設計參數,檢測渦卷製造過程所產生之誤差。
The main purpose of this research is to construct the theory for curve fitting of scrolls in reverse engineering of scroll design and the corresponding application program based on the theory. The original measured coordinate data of scroll was rearranged and two stages of curve fitting and coordinate rotations were conducted after fitting parameters were specified. Finally, an area curve fitting method was adopted to reduce the fitting error for scrolls with specially modified head and tails. The system is implemented into an executable computer program by using developing tool Visual basic 2005. Two major functions, curve fitting of scrolls in reverse engineering of scroll design and scroll manufacturing error measurement, can be performed with this program. Several sets of scroll data measured by coordinate measuring machine were tested by this developed program. Good agreements were obtained by comparing known design parameters of tested scrolls.


  1. 452301.pdf

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