标题: 贫油润滑下深孔钻刀杆受侧向制振之行为研究
The shaft behavior of deep hole drilling tool under lateral vibration control with minimum quantity lubrication
作者: 陈重延
Chen, Chung-Yen
Chin, Jih-Hua
关键字: 深孔钻;贫油润滑;制振;刀杆行为研究;deep hole drilling;minimum quantity lubrication;vibration control;shaft behavior
公开日期: 2008
摘要: 深孔技术可适用于钻销孔深度直径比较高的孔加工,本文研究BTA (Boring and Trapanning Association) 深孔钻受侧向制振及贫油润滑下的刀杆行为,其中使用磁流变阻尼器来进行制振。本文基于应用运送流体的管子及Bernoulli-Eulerian理论,建立一个贫油润滑下深孔钻刀杆在受侧向制振的动态方程式,藉此探讨刀杆受到流体流动及阻尼器影响下的特征值。
Deep hole technique can be used to drill hole with high depth-diameter-ratio. The propose of the study is investigated the shaft behavior of BTA (Boring and Trapanning Association) deep hole drilling under lateral vibration control with minimum quantity lubrication. The lateral vibration is controlled by magneto-rheological damper. The study is based on theories of pipes conveying fluid with a velocity and Bernoulli-Eulerian theory. The  eigenvalues of the shaft effected by fluid flow and damper is investigated.


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