標題: Sn-0.7Cu-xZn無鉛銲錫合金之界面反應及銲點強度研究
The Study of Interfacial Reaction and Solder Joints Strength of Sn-0.7Cu-xZn Lead-free Solder
作者: 林良諺
Liang-Yen Lin
Chang-Ping Chou
關鍵字: 無鉛銲錫;Lead-free
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究主要為探討添加微量Zn元素對Sn-0.7Cu銲錫合金之顯微組織、機械性質以及接合後之性質。研究中先以熱浸銲方式製備Cu基材對銲試棒,並且將試棒進行150℃高溫儲存實驗0~500小時後,分別進行顯微組織觀察,界面反應層分析及銲點拉伸強度試驗。
The effects of Zn additions on the interfacial reactions with Cu substrates of Sn-0.7Cu (all in wt.% unless specified otherwise) Pb-free solders were investigated. This study was focused on the intermetallic compound (IMC) growth, interfacial reaction and the joint strength as a function of thermal aging and solder composition. Thermal aging was conducted at 150℃ for up to 500 h to accelerate the interfacial reactions between solders and Cu substrates.
The growth of IMCs (Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn) in Zn-added solders was slower than those without Zn additions. The growth of the Cu3Sn phase, in particular, was drastically reduced in the Zn-added solders.
The Zn addition was effective in reducing IMCs’ growth (especially Cu3Sn IMCs). In addition, void formation at the interfaces of Sn-0.7Cu was dramatically suppressed by Zn addition. Finally, a mechanism for the beneficial effects of Zn additions on the reduction of IMCs’ growth was discussed. The addition of Zn elements can effectively improve the joint strength of the solder joints.


  1. 453001.pdf

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