標題: 四足機器人足部機構的運動模擬與結構分析
Movement Simulation and Structure Analysis of Leg Mechanism of Quadruped Robot
作者: 潘俊宏
Chun-Hung Pan
Pi-Ying Cheng
關鍵字: 有限元素分析;機構模擬分析;撓性體;ADAMS;ANSYS;四足機器人;finite element analysis;mechanism's simulation analysis;flexible body;ADAMS;ANSYS;quadruped robots
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究針對本實驗室發展的四足機器人結合機構運動力學與結構有限元素分析的方法,探討機構零件減重的可行性及尺寸外形的創新改善,希望達到結構夠強壯,機器人也能更輕巧,以節省材料成本達到節能與靈巧的設計目標。為改進目前現有有限元素結構力學分析系統功能,對於動態受力節點在各時間的受力狀況不易預先量測分析的不便,致影響分析無法持續進行的改進目標,本研究採用機構模擬分析系統(ADAMS)結合有限元素分析系統(ANSYS)探討四足機器人的動態結構應力變化與分佈,以便因應機構零件減重與造型最佳配置的參考。 本研究的分析模型包括四足機器人機構運動與結構應力的整合分析,首先使用有限元素系統輔助建構機構模擬系統所需的撓性體模型配合進行動態模擬,用以分析各機構零件在運動中受力變形所造成的誤差,以便最合適材料的選擇與規劃。機構模擬分析中所獲得的動態受力資料,則加入到有限元素結構分析系統進行連續性的結構應力分析,以便評估在運動中四足機器人結構負荷所造成的應力等變化與分佈情形,並依據應力分析的結果,將模型材料、尺寸等進行最佳化的設計,本研究成果可提供設計更為輕巧的四足機器人模型建構與機構改良時的實用參考。
This research proposed a practical and useful method that combining dynamic analysis with finite element analysis method to investigate more precise stress distribution of link elements of quadruped robot due to statical and dynamical loading. One of the research motivation is to improve the material costing and motion dexterity using the proposed method. This research adopts dynamical analysis and simulation system (ADAMS) cooperating with finite element analysis system (ANSYS) to discover the stress distribution of the elements of the quadruped robot. The original quadruped robot model is provided by CIDM Lab. and the dynamical analysis was implemented on behalf of the flexible model generated by FEA system. One of the important research issue is to discover the optimal geometrical parameters for minimizing the deformation error which are evaluated at the end point of each foot link. The next issue is to provide a useful analysis method for multilinks machine model on behalf of the demonstrating example of the analysis of the quadruped robot. In the study, some typical dynamical examples have been analyzed and proved. The optimal modal of the quadruped robot has also been studied and constructed by using proposed method.