標題: 利用複合半導體層製作雙極性感光電晶體
Ambipolar Phototransistors and Complementary-like Inverters Based on Photosensitive Composite Films
作者: 鄭太獅
Fang-Chung Chen
關鍵字: 雙極性;光電晶體;反向器;場效電晶體;ambipolar;phototransistor;inverter;FET
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 我們將rr-P3HT 及PCBM以不同重量濃度比例混合於化學溶劑,並使用溶劑退火方式塗佈形成電晶體之雙極性薄膜有機半導體層。觀察到當兩種材料在主動層中之比例發生變化之同時,雙極性有機電晶體電性將同步展現電子及電動遷移率之消長變化。此外,在實驗上進一步驗證各種接觸金屬與增添超薄金屬氧化層緩衝層對元件表現之比較。本論文另一重點為發現研製之光電晶體在光照環境下將展現不同之電性調變。最後,由於本實驗之半導體層乃P型及N型之混合層,實驗結果上發現較單一P型或N型半導體有較高之臨界電壓,是以固定P3HT並改以PTCDI-C8置換PCBM作上下雙層結構,明顯的發現利用雙層結構能提升P型電子遷移率及顯著降低操作臨界電壓同時也獲得較佳之N型特性。本研究乃詳盡地研究出以P3HT及PCBM之雙極性電晶體特性並製作出基本反向邏輯電路,發現其光調變特性並對其光調變成因進行探討。半導體材料物性則以原子力顯微鏡、X光繞射儀、X光光電子光譜儀及吸收光譜儀作輔助分析。
Various organic-semiconductor-based ambipolar transistors operated both in positive and negative gate voltage are recently key components in the field of organic complementary-like circuit development. Besides, it will be more potential by adopting solution-processed method or inject-printing methods. In the thesis, two famous organic conducting materials rr-P3HT and PCBM were introduced in developing photosensitive ambipolar field-effect transistors. Herein, we successfully make inverter circuit and let the characteristics discussed in this article. Besides, the variation of hole and electron mobilities are observed and got statistics according to different composite films of P3HT / PCBM ratio. Furthermore, we experimentally introduce different metal electrodes and ultra thin metal oxide layer for comparison to study the performances . In the thesis, another investigation is to fabricate phototransistor with variable characteristics under illumination and these characteristics may be the basis for developing phototransistor and the design of sensor circuit. To decrease the higher threshold voltage both in p-channel and n-channel, bi-layer structure and PTCDI-C8 were introduced to arrive the aim. After studying the characteristics of phototransistor based on the different composite films, we try to explain the mechanism of photoconductivity and photovoltaic effect under illumination. Finally, the semiconductor materials are analysed by AFM, XRD, XPS and UV-visible.


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