標題: 號誌化路口機車車隊等候長度對混合車道容量影響之研究
Effects of Motorcycle Queueing Length on Lane Capacity at Signalized Intersections
作者: 張家峰
Chang Chia-Feng
T. Hugh Woo
關鍵字: 機車車隊;容量分析;號誌化路口;Motorcycles;Capacity analysis;Signalized intersections
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 任何形式交通設施的改變,將影響車道原有的設計容量,而車道容量可經由每個號誌週期可疏解之停等車輛數加以估算。因此,本研究由汽機車疏解特性的角度切入,選定三處不同路側空間型態之混合車道為調查路口,以影像攝錄之方式進行資料蒐集,再利用電腦反覆播放及人工判讀方式,記錄各項數量化數據,並分為汽車前方之機車車隊、側邊有停等機車之汽車車隊及側邊無停等機車之汽車車隊三部分,來探討因機車停等區之繪設所造成的機車車隊對混合車道容量的影響。 本研究以公路容量分析理論為基礎,利用汽車機疏解特性及適當模式假設,建構每號誌週期可用綠燈時段中能疏解之停等車輛數分析模式,搭配本研究所建立之機車車隊縱向等候列數與疏解時間關係式、側邊有停等機車之汽車疏解時間特性及側邊無停等機車之汽車疏解時間查詢表,可有效用於估算混合車道容量。 研究結果發現:汽車前方之機車車隊疏解時間,並未因機車車隊等候密度高低而呈現顯著差異;側邊停等機車對停等汽車的干擾,因車道側邊空間型態差異而有所差異;混合車道容量的變化趨勢,因機車車隊縱向等候列數每增加一列之疏解時間、汽車受停等機車干擾之平均疏解間距及汽車飽和疏解間距三者之數值關係差異,而有所不同。 關鍵詞:機車車隊、容量分析、號誌化路口
Any kind of variation of traffic facilities will affects the original lane capacity which could be estimated by the amount of cars passing through the intersections per signal cycle. This study explores the impacts of motorcycle queueing length resulting from the marking of exclusive stopping area of motorcycles to lane capacity at signalized intersections with the characteristics of cars and motorcycles. The analysis is devided into three segments: motorcycles in fornt of cars, cars with motorcycles stopped aside, and cars with no motorcycle stopped aside. Three intersections were chosen as the study sites. This study builds the lane capacity analysis model based on highway capacity analysis theory, characteristics of cars and motorcycles, and some adequate model assumptions. It was found that the discharge time of motorcycles with different density of stopped motorcycles in front of cars are not statistical significant, the influences of the motorcycles stopped aside cars on stopped cars are not the same with different roadside space patterns, and the variations of the lane capacity depends on the relationship with discharge time of motorcycles in front of cars, average time headway of cars with motorcycles stopped aside, and the saturation headway of cars. Key Words: Motorcycles, Capacity analysis, Signalized intersections


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