標題: 台灣與烏克蘭招標方法之比較
Comparing Tendering Systems of Consrtuction Work between Taiwan and Ukraine
作者: 帝幕
Bilozerov Tymur
Wei Chih Wang
關鍵字: procurement;tender;regulation;biding;comparison;台灣;烏克蘭;procurement;tender;regulation;biding;comparison;Taiwan;Ukraine
公開日期: 2007
摘要: The tendering system is a way of delivering construction work. Each country has its own tendering systems for public construction work based on the characteristics of its domestic market and practices. Different countries face problems after awarding the contract of a construction project due to drawbacks in their tendering systems. Experience learned from other countries supports the reform of tendering system for a country. This research concentrates on the comparison of tendering systems of construction work between Taiwan and Ukraine. Taiwan, an East Asia country, has been developed rapidly and its construction industry has played an important role in Taiwanese industry. Ukraine is a European country, where construction work has occupied with the biggest part of investment in the country. To join the World Trade Organization (WTO), Taiwan developed a Government Procurement Act in 1998. Ukraine copied its government procurement laws from Russia and it is not a member of WTO. Based on this study, the tendering systems of construction work have a lot in common and several differences for both countries. Countries based on different government laws have different structures of tendering systems. Both countries can learn experience of each other and borrow some parts of tendering structure to innovate and improve the tendering systems.
The tendering system is a way of delivering construction work. Each country has its own tendering systems for public construction work based on the characteristics of its domestic market and practices. Different countries face problems after awarding the contract of a construction project due to drawbacks in their tendering systems. Experience learned from other countries supports the reform of tendering system for a country. This research concentrates on the comparison of tendering systems of construction work between Taiwan and Ukraine. Taiwan, an East Asia country, has been developed rapidly and its construction industry has played an important role in Taiwanese industry. Ukraine is a European country, where construction work has occupied with the biggest part of investment in the country. To join the World Trade Organization (WTO), Taiwan developed a Government Procurement Act in 1998. Ukraine copied its government procurement laws from Russia and it is not a member of WTO. Based on this study, the tendering systems of construction work have a lot in common and several differences for both countries. Countries based on different government laws have different structures of tendering systems. Both countries can learn experience of each other and borrow some parts of tendering structure to innovate and improve the tendering systems.


  1. 658801.pdf
  2. 658802.pdf
  3. 658803.pdf

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