標題: 影響學生通學運具使用之個人、家庭與環境因素之研究
A Study of the personal, family and environment factor influencing of school mode choice on student
作者: 鄭翰澤
Han-Tse Cheng
Hsin-Li Chang
Tsu-Hurng Yeh
關鍵字: 通學旅運;獨立性;羅吉斯迴歸;Rasch模式;存活分析法;School Travel;Independence;Logistics regression;Rasch Model;Survial analysis
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 在平日中學生上放學的時間為道路車流量最多且最擁擠的時段,且學生在通學時發生意外的風險皆比其它時段來得高。學生通學旅運行為受許多因素影響與限制與一般成人之運輸行為差異較大,因此較為複雜的運輸行為特性使得學生通學旅運行為之相關議題較少受到重視,應深入探討了解。本研究以羅吉斯迴歸探討國小、國中與高中學生社經變數、個人內在構面等相關變數對於通學旅運運具選擇行為之影響,建構國小、國中與高中通學旅運之羅吉斯迴歸模式。由於羅吉斯迴歸無法直接處理潛在變數之測量,須透過Rasch模式校估後將可得到個人潛在特質之能力值以代表個人特質。研究結果顯示在家庭因素之變數對於國小、國中與高中學生通學旅運運具使用的選擇皆有顯著的影響,而個人變數對於國中與高中學生有顯著的影響。代表著在未成年前運具選擇行為皆會受家庭因素的影響,隨著年齡成長個人特性逐漸地影響運具的使用行為。因此未來若要制定相關通學旅運政策則需考慮家長因素,以增加政策的執行的有效性。此外,性別、是否有哥哥與所居住地,對於學生發生第一次獨自步行通學與第一次獨自騎自行車通學的時間皆有顯著的正向影響。而居住於台北都會區的學生其發生第一次獨自走路上學的機率顯著的較其他都會區高;居住於高雄的學生其發生第一次獨自騎自行車的機率為最高。本研究結果除能了解目前學生使用運具特性,對於未來延伸之議題或相關單位政策方向制定,也能提供足夠的資訊參考。
The traffic during student arrival and dismissal from school every weekday is very congestion and dangerous, as this period student face more risk whatever what mode them using to travel to and from school. The traveling behavior of student is very different and complicated for the traveling behavior of adults, because there are many factors and limitations that affect them. Cause the government does not always pay much attention to the related problems in school travel. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the school travel behavior of student. In this research, we can realize personal socioeconomic and latent trait effect school travel behavior of elementary, junior, and senior high school students. Owing to logistics regression can’t direct measure personal latent trait, so the Rasch model, in this study, is applied to measure personal latent trait. The study results indicate that family factor affect the travel behavior of elementary, junior, senior high school students, and personal factor affect the school travel behavior of junior, senior high school students. The phenomenon represents the school travel behavior of non adult students was influenced by parents, as age grows up personal characteristics begins to influence their travel behavior. Therefore, the government will promote policy about school travel in the future needs to consider the factors of parents, in order to increase the performance of executing the related policy. In addition, sex, having elder brothers and residences are affected the age of student the first time went to school on foot and on bicycle. The probability of students who live in Taipei metropolis occured the first time went to school alone on foot is more than other meterpolis, whereas the probability of students who live in Kaohsiung metropolis occured the first time went to school alone on bicycle is more than other meterpolis. The result of this study is not only to find out the characteristics of school travel, but also it provides the correlative education department and transportation department with lots of information investigateing or to promoting related policy.