Title: 為年長者設計以情境導向調適的行動裝置選單
Design a Context-Oriented Adaptive Menu on Mobile Device for Elderly Users
Authors: 洪崇浩
Chung-Hao Hung
Shang-Hwa Hsu
Keywords: 情境調適;年長者;行動裝置;選單設計;Context adaptation;Elderly users;Mobile device;Menu design
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 在現今高齡化的社會中,年長者因其生理與心智能力的衰退而常造成需要照護者協助生活的現象,因此為了減輕照護者的負擔,許多的研究希望藉由行動裝置的可移動性來提供年長者不受時間地點的生活協助,但年長者衰退的導航與認知能力卻會使年長者在操作行動裝置的階層面臨阻礙,因此即使行動裝置具有許多協助的服務功能,年長者還是會因操作與選取上的困難而無法有效利用。為了改善年長者在行動裝置上的使用性,本研究提出一個情境導向調適選單,此選單將以往選單的功能導向群組改為情境導向群組,依照使用者所處的情境來提取所需的功能,藉此讓年長者能在特定的情境中快速且簡單的找到所需功能,而為了建立此情境導向調適選單,本研究透過人種誌的方法蒐集年長者日常生活的經驗,藉此來確認年長者在生活中各種不同情境下的所需功能以建立選單,並在確認過程中基於觀察與發展的技術同時確認出一些能讓年長者生活更好的新服務功能。最後透過使用性測試的執行來評估情境導向選單的功效,結果驗證情境導向調適選單能有效改善年長者在行動裝置上的使用性,而新服務功能對於協助年長者增進生活是有用的。
In the aging society, elders always need assistance from caregiver all the time because of degenerate physical and cognition ability. To reduce caregiver’s burden, many researches take advantage of mobility of mobile devices to provide elders with assistance to aid their daily lives. Because of the decline of their navigational and cognitive abilities, elders face obstacles when operating hierarchical menu on mobile device. Therefore, although there are many assistant functions on mobile devices, elder still can’t utilize them very well as a result of difficult operation and selection. In order to improve elders’ usability on mobile device, this research proposes a context- oriented adaptive menu, which changes from function grouping to context-based grouping. The menu retrieves the functions which are needed according to the context where users situated; as a result, elders can find their needed functions quickly and easily in a particular context. In order to establish a context-oriented adaptive menu, this study employed an ethnographic method to collect experiences form elders in daily life and identify the needed functions in different context. Based on observations and generative techniques, this study also identifies new functions that can make elders’ lives better. Usability testing was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of context-oriented menu. The results revealed that the context-oriented adaptive menu could improve the usability on mobile device for elders, and the new functions were found to be useful for elders to improve life.
Appears in Collections:Thesis