標題: 於數位典藏建立社會性標記之研究
Social Tagging Construction on Digital Archives
作者: 鄧有盈
Yu-Ying Teng
Hao-Ren Ke
關鍵字: Web 2.0;社會性標記;標籤;大眾分類;分群法;楊英風;Web 2.0;Social Tagging;Tags;Folksonomy;Clustering
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 隨著Web 2.0概念及應用的普及,衍生出許多運用Web 2.0精神的創作平台,其中社會性標記是近來網路上最熱門的服務之一。社會性標記指的是由使用者針對網站服務內容(如照片、網站連結、藝術品)提出標籤或註解,從而創造出由眾多使用者自行產生的分類,可稱之為大眾分類法。 線上美術館或博物館的優點是讓人們可隨時隨地從網路上觀賞藝術作品,將社會性標記應用於數位典藏網站的目的在於將人們觀賞藝術品的觀感串連起來,希望能透過大眾集思廣益讓每件藝術品的描述能更完整、更多面向,並建立一般人甚至於專家都看不見的巧妙關聯性。 本研究是將Web 2.0的精神應用於楊英風數位美術館,透過CKIP中文斷詞系統處理每一個藝術作品的內容,然後依據權重萃取其關鍵詞彙,代表此藝術品專業的說明;再透過標記活動,讓一般使用者自由地對楊英風美術作品提供標籤;最後系統會結合作品關鍵詞和使用者加註的標籤進行階層式標籤分群,自動產生每一類作品的標籤地圖,此標籤地圖就是經由大家共同建立的分類,達到大眾分類的目的。
With the widespread of the concept and applications of Web 2.0, a lot of online platforms are created based on the spirit of Web 2.0. One kind of applications is social tagging. Social tagging allows users to provide labels or notes for Web content such as photographs, web links, artwork, and others. Through such behavior, classification of the tagged contents is achieved together by many people. Classification by social tagging is called “folksomony”. Digital archives let people appreciate artworks from the Internet without the constraints of time and space. Therefore, the purpose of applying social tagging to digital archives is to provide the visitors a tool to express their personal feelings and opinions about the artworks, so that comprehensive comments and descriptions of the artworks will be available to everyone. Hopefully in doing so, latent relationships unnoticed by the experts can be revealed. This research is to apply the spirit of Web 2.0 to Yuyu Yang Digital Art Museum. First of all, it uses CKIP Chinese Segmentation System to process the metadata of every artwork and extract the keywords according to their weights. The extracted keywords represent professional descriptions about the artwork. Second, public users can tag artworks freely with any vocabulary. Finally, the tagging system will combine the extracted keywords and the tags from the users to form hierarchical tag clusters and generate a tag map for every category of artwork. This tag map reflects the classification by the public users and achieves the goal of folksomony.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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