Title: 運用資料包絡法與層級分析法探討能源科技發展之績效評估與資源分配
Using DEA and AHP Analysis for Performance Assessment and Resource Allocation in Development of Energy Technology
Authors: 林子玄
Keywords: 能源科技;關鍵績效指標;資料包絡法;層級分析法;Energy technology;KPI;DEA;AHP
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 台灣地區自產能源相當有限,為促進國家永續發展並因應國際能源與環保情勢,其中加強能源科技發展更是重要政策之一,本研究目的在於設立具體能源科技發展關鍵績效指標,根據能源科技研發與能源科技服務推廣研擬不同的績效指標,其中能源科技研發有10項關鍵績效指標而能源科技服務推廣有9項指標,並以此指標針對能源局四大領域科專計畫進行資料包絡分析,在能源科技研發分析「高效率小型空調設備技術開發及應用」等11項計畫為最有效率之單位,而能源科技服務推廣則以「94能源查核與耗能合理化輔導」等5項計畫為最有效率單位,能幫助能源中心利用此效率單位建立標竿,並建議無效率單位考慮退場機制,最後以關鍵績效指標利用層級分析法針對產、官、學、研專家之意見彙整出能源科技發展之投入資源分配與目標執行重點,結果發現在能源科技研發領域,須先重視研發經費之投入強化其研發能耐,而其關鍵成功因素為能源效益的提升,而在能源科技服務推廣領域,也須先強調推廣經費的投入,而關鍵成功因素首要也為重視能源效益之產出,以此分析可以明確指出科專計畫在執行時之著重方向,將資源最佳化配置,有效提升台灣能源科技之總體效能。
Due to the shortage of energy resources in Taiwan, the Taiwanese government has to put emphasis on the development of energy technology. The purpose of this research is to establish key performance indicators of energy technology. This study employs 10 indicators in the research of energy technology and 9 indicators in the promotion of energy technology. This study uses the DEA approach to analyze the performance of technology projects by the KPI developed in this study. The results show that in the research of energy technology, The Development and Application of High Efficiency Tiny Air Condition is a project of the highest standards within the group. Likewise, in the promotion of energy technology, The 94 Energy Check and Rationalization Guidance of consumption is the best study that was reviewed. Ultimately, we utilize the AHP approach to investigate experts’ perspectives about which KPI would stimulate resource allocation and executive priority of projects. After assaying, we figure out that the performance of projects is motivated by preferential focus on expenses of input and energy benefit of output. By establishing KPI of development of energy technology, we not only explore the present performance of projects but give a framework to plan the future direction of execution; furthermore, advancing overall efficiency of Taiwanese energy technology.
Appears in Collections:Thesis