Title: 營業稅申報審核之流程再造
Process Reengineering for Filing and Examining of Value-Added Tax
Authors: 孫丕捷
Pi-Jye Sun
Jiun-Shinn Lin
Keywords: 企業流程再造;電子商務;電子化政府;Process Reengineering;Electronic Commerce;e-Government
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 企業流程再造是90年代初期發源於美國的管理理論,最初是由學者Hammer所提出,在當時的企業界及學術界引起極大的震撼。隨後在以美國為首的西方大型企業,紛紛採用這個概念並與電子商務相結合,成為倍增企業競爭力的法寶。另一方面,各國政府為提升行政效率,均積極轉型為企業型政府、電子化政府,流程再造與電子商務的結合,自然受到各國行政部門的重視。
Business process reengineering is a theory of administration which started from United States by Dr. Hammer in the early 1990’s. It has evoked widespread resonance and discussion in enterprises and academic domains. After its introduction, a lot of large-scale enterprises in west, especially in United States, have practiced this theory and combined it with electronic commerce. The result was a large increase in the power of competence. In addition, the administrative departments of every country want to raise the efficiency of government. The ideal usually is to change the traditional government to entrepreneurial government or e-government. As a result, combining process reengineering and electronic commerce is attracting the attention of every country.
This study is intended to open a dialogue of the reengineering of administrative process by combining the theory of process reengineering and the frame of electronic commerce. The author, through research, collects the knowledge of process reengineering and the key of success and the influence of developing electronic commerce on organizations. Next, the author selects an actual case, looking for the problem and the target of this administrative process, and re-engineers this case. Finally, the author compares the original process with the new one and evaluates the efficiency. The research result shows the new process really saves on labor-cost and time-cost. The new process is also helpful in raising efficiency of government and the good impressed with government.
Appears in Collections:Thesis