標題: 科技不確定性與機會主義:關係管理對產業採購行為的影響
Technology Uncertainty and Opportunism: The effects of Relationship Governance on Industrial Procurement
作者: 黃孟婷
Meng-Ting Huang
Edwin Tang
關鍵字: 科技不確定性;機會主義;採購行為;Technology uncertainty;Opportunism;Purchasing behavior
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 「採購」乃製造業於生產製造過程中所必經的程序之一,有鑑於中國的低勞動成本及政府的開放政策,帶動中國科技產業的蓬勃發展,在採購決策過程中,製造商與其供應商的關係,亦是許多學者所關心的議題。然而,針對中國高科技產業之採購行為的相關研究卻鮮少被提及。本研究欲探討中國科技業廠商之採購行為與供應商機會主義的關係,以期能找出降低供應商機會主義行為的管理機制。 本研究以供應商機會主義為依變項,並以科技不確定性為採購環境作為自變項,帶入中國組織特性、關係及特定資產投資為中介變項,欲探討中介的影響效果。本研究以大中華地區連接器廠商為研究對象,計有效樣本為95份,並以SAS統計軟體進行分析。經由因素分析及複迴歸分析後,實證調查結果獲致如下重要發現:(1) 科技不確定性越高,供應商機會主義的表現越低;(2)在科技不確定性高的情況下,組織內集權式關係管理相較於專屬資產投資較能有效控制供應商的機會主義。
In high-technology markets, technology uncertainty and supplier opportunism are two unique problems for organizational buyers in making procurement decision process. The purpose of this article is to explore (1) how the technology uncertainty influences supplier opportunism and (2) how guaxin influence procurement and opportunism in China high-technology market. Using survey data from organizational buyers’ purchase of connector manufactures in greater China, there were a total of 95 samples from 47 different firms. Combined with high-technology market and China culture, there are two unique factors which are centralization of relationship governance and specific asset investment. Based on multiple equation models, they show that (1) centralization of relationship governance is more efficiency in managing opportunism when the procurement situation is in highly technology uncertainty and (2) technology uncertainty has a negative influence on supplier opportunism. The managerial implications are discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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