Title: 台電公司組織創新氣候量表之發展
Development of the Scale for Measuring Climate for Organizational Innovation in Taiwan Power Company
Authors: 陳玉川
Yu-Chuan Chen
丁 承
Cherng G. Ding
Keywords: 創造力;組織創新;組織創新氣候;探索性因素分析;驗證性因素分析;Creativity;Organizational innovation;Climate for organizational innovation;Exploratory factor analysis;Confirmatory factor analysis
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 面對競爭激烈、變化快速的經營環境,企業的競爭優勢很容易因競爭對手的模仿而消失。企業為求生存與發展,唯有靠不斷的創新才能維繫長久的競爭優勢,達到永續經營的目的。
本研究之目的在開發一適用於台電公司之組織創新氣候量表,以衡量台電員工對於工作環境創新氛圍的整體知覺。初始量表主要係以Amabile 1996年所發表的「創造力氣候評鑑量表」-KEYS為依據,並針對台電之組織特性修訂而成。本研究以台電輸工處及北施處658位正式員工為問卷發放對象,得到有效問卷485份(有效樣本回收率為73.7%)。首先以探索性因素分析(EFA)萃取出組織創新氣候構面,接著再以驗証性因素分析(CFA)檢驗量表之信度與建構效度(包括收斂效度與區別效度),最後以結構方程模式(SEM)進行效標關聯效度之檢測,在通過信、效度檢驗後,完成量表的開發。
Confronting the rapidly changing and keenly competitive business environment, corporations lose the competitive advantage very easily due to the imitation of competitors. To ensure long-term development and success, corporations have to keep their competitive advantage via constant innovation.
The purpose of this paper is to construct a proper instrument for measuring the organizational innovation climate in Taiwan Power Company (TPC) so as to access employees’ overall perception of the organizational climate for innovation. The content of the preliminary scale was mainly based on KEYS (Amabile, 1996). Moreover, some items were modified or added to meet TPC’s characteristics. A sample of 485 useful questionnaires from TPC Transmission & Substation Projects Department were received, with the response rate of 73.7%.
A series of analysis were conducted for scale development. EFA was used to extract constructs of organizational climate for innovation. CFA was then employed to acess the scale’s reliability and construct validity. Criterion-related validity was evaluated by using Strucutural equestion modeling (SEM). Both reliability and validity were supported. The scale, with adequate reliability and validities, is composed of 26 items for five constructs of organizatinal encouragement, work-group support, autonomy/challenge, workload pressures and organizatinal impediments.
The instrument is helpful to investigate organizational innovation climate for TPC, and to provide the information needed for creating an innovative work environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis