標題: 外資企業投資中國大陸保險市場之法規評析
Law on Foreign Investment in Chinese Insurance Marke
作者: 黃姿裴
Huang, Tzu-Pei
Wang, Wen-Chieh
關鍵字: 中國大陸保險業;外資保險;監管;國際金融;保險市場准入;the insurance market of mainland China;foreign insurance;supervision;international finance
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 保險業被譽為社會的「推進器」,保險監管是國家金融體系中重要的組成部分。而在經濟全球化的今天,保險業的跨國業務日益增進,對外資保險公司的監管顯得尤為重要。 目前全球的國際保險市場中,又以中國大陸保險市場最受矚目。中國在2001年加入世界貿易組織的談判中,金融業開放是商務貿易當中的關鍵。在入世過渡期結束後,中國的保險市場已對外全面開放。一方面,從中國的入世承諾來看,WTO保險自由化的要求,中國保監會對國內保險市場上的跨境保險監管原則的確定,需要遵循WTO法律框架下的市場准入、國民待遇、透明度等原則和要求;對跨境保險各類活動具體的監管要求和相應的監管制度內容的確定,需要藉助於與外資保險機構或外資保險服務者本國的監管機構保持充分溝通與合作。另一方面,中國亦以開放外資保險公司的進入作為促進中國保險市場增長與進步的重要手段。中國發展保險業的動力在於,經濟建設需要大量的資金,國際資金的吸收是主要資金來源,而完善金融業是吸收國際資金的重要方式之一,保險業則是金融體系的重要組成部分。環環相扣之下,中國大陸不得不積極改善落後的保險投資環境。 本文之研究目的在分析中國大陸保險市場對外資保險公司的交互影響,與其保險監管的立法現狀並提出具體建議。
The insurance market of mainland China has opened all around after the period of transition of WTO. Since reform and opening up, China’s insurance industry has been keeping the growing rate over 30 percent and has made marvelous achievements. In the system of market, there are more operational main bodies. A system of insurance market has been formed with the participation of state-owned, private sector and foreign capitals together and the competition between Chinese insurance companies and foreign insurance companies. The entry of foreign insurance companies has driven the market competition. The Insurance supervision is very important and necessary. Especially in the era of economic globalization, the supervision of foreign insurance is very important. Therefore, how to take the operation supervision of the foreign insurance companies which have already crossed the threshold of market access is the problem which is faced and needed to be solved by Chinese Insurance. This essay analyses the legislation situation of mainland China, puts forward the necessity of improving the foreign insurance operation supervision legal system of China, and offers some advices.


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