標題: 中文「感覺」動詞的詞彙語意研究
A Lexical Semantic Study of Mandarin "Feel" Verbs
作者: 黃舜佳
Huang, Shun-Chia
Liu, Mei-Chun
關鍵字: 感覺動詞;近義詞;感覺;覺得;感到;感受;"Feel" verbs;Near synonyms;ganjue;juede;gandao;ganshou
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文旨在針對中文「感覺」動詞之四個近義詞「感覺、覺得、感到、感受」進行以語料庫為本的詞彙語意研究。在先前認知動詞、感官動詞、情緒動詞的相關研究中,「感覺」動詞在在表露出其語法上的特殊表現,引起本論文對其加以進一步詞彙語意分析之動機;如在英文中僅有feel一詞表現的概念,在中文可有四個不同的對應動詞。更進一步去觀察語料,我們將能發現更多有趣的句法及語意表現;由此,本文提出了以下研究問題:


   迄今關於中文「感覺」動詞已有相當多豐富傑出之研究,如巫與劉(2001)、 石 (2005)、巫 (2006)等。但目前為止尚無針對此四動詞,且以語料庫為本之近義詞組框架理論分析。
   本研究中採用之語料取自中央研究院平衡語料庫(Sinica Corpus)及Google網路搜尋引擎等。觀察語料、發掘動詞語意語法上的差異(如詞類、動貌、意志性、補語類型、主語類型、構詞差異及其他搭配詞),本文試圖把目標動詞區分至中文動詞語意網架構之近義詞組框架等級(micro frame level)。
本研究之分析結果將感覺、感受分為一近義詞組,相對於覺得、感到之組。本研究之結果亦呼應許多先前研究之推論,如劉(2002)中對於動詞詞頻-詞類-外因-事件結構之推論,及張(2000)、Pustejovsky (1995)、Levin (1993)、Atkins et al. (1988)等。
This paper aims to make a corpus-based lexical semantic analysis of four Chinese near-synonyms of “feel”,感覺ganjue,覺得juede,感到gandao and感受ganshou ’feel’. In previous research on Cognition, Perception and Emotion verbs, “feel” verbs often reveal their special behaviors and arose motivation of doing a further lexical study in this paper; for example, one single “feel” verb in English can be translated into four different counterparts in Chinese. And from corpus-data observation, more interesting phenomenon of English and Chinese “feel” verbs can be found, semantically and syntactically. So several questions arise:

□ What are the syntactic differences among the four Chinese “feel” verbs?
□ What are the semantic differences among the four Chinese “feel” verbs?
□ Do lexical semantic properties affect syntactic behaviors?

From past until now, there are already various brilliant literatures on Chinese “feel” verbs, such as Wu and Liu (2001), Shi (2005), Wu (2006); however, there are not yet a near-synonym lexical semantic analysis on all the four “feel” verbs in a frame semantic and corpus-based way.
In this study, the data are all real-occurring, taken from Sinica Corpus and Google. By observing the data and find their syntactic and semantic differences, such as grammatical roles, Aktionsart, volitionality, complement types , subject types, morphology, and other co-occurrence, this paper aims to make a frame analysis into near-synonym level.
The findings in this study distinguishes 感覺ganjue/感受ganshou from 覺得juede/感到gandao. This analysis also supports the assumptions in many previous studies, such as Liu (2002), Chang et al. (2000), Pustejovsky (1995), Levin (1993), Atkins et al. (1988).
To sum up, this study observes the syntactic behaviors of four feel verbs and reveals the interaction between syntax and semantics. The difference of syntactic behaviors among four Chinese feel verbs in fact originates from their differences in lexical meaning; lexical semantics, morphology and syntax are all closely related.