標題: 虛擬新聞室作業管理之前饋與回饋機制─行動研究之觀點與實踐
Feed-forward and Feed-back Mechanism of Virtual Newsroom Operations Management: Action Research Perspective and Implementation
作者: 陳彥佑
Yen-Iou Chen
Chung-Yaw Ching
Pei-Chi Chung
關鍵字: 傳播作業管理;傳播生態學;行動研究;虛擬新聞室作業;前饋與回饋;Communication Operations Management;Media ecology;Action Research;Virtual Newsroom Operations;Feed-forward & Feed-back
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 在傳播產業市場競爭日益激烈的環境下,傳播管理議題逐漸受廣泛的重視與討論。由於生產作業管理是企業運作的核心,過去對於傳播作業管理的討論卻較少,因此本研究以傳播作業管理為主題,目的在於尋找適當的管理方法,提升作業的效率與效能。討論維持組織系統運作、提高作業的效率與效能議題時,傳播生態學提供了分析的基礎,其中前饋、回饋概念,是討論傳播生態系統維持生存與運作的關鍵。之外,傳播作業深受資訊科技進步影響,因此本研究以傳播生態學的觀點為基礎,聚焦於探討在資訊科技的衝擊下,傳播作業系統中前饋與回饋機制。 過去對資訊科技影響的討論,主要將將資訊科技視為輔助溝通工具,忽略積極扮演輔助管理功能執行的角色。隨著資訊科技的發展,虛擬團隊引起廣泛討論,傳播產業也出現媒體製作虛擬團隊的討論,其中報業的虛擬新聞室作業是為討論主題之一。因此以過去研究為基礎,本研究聚焦於報業產製,探討虛擬新聞室之前饋、回饋的機制,並建構虛擬新聞室平台並操作於實務情境中,檢測其運作績效。為達研究之合宜性,在考量研究目標與方法的特性後,本研究以行動研究作為研究執行的方法。 本研究著重於討論並執行虛擬新聞室產製管理之前饋與回饋機制,而系統平台則扮演輔助作業之工具性角色。經過三個研究循環後,結果顯示凝聚共識是為虛擬團隊成功之首要關鍵,而其亦帶來打破團隊成員時空限制、促進組織溝通、知識與經驗分享、及提升作業品質等正面效益。而本研究中虛擬新聞室的設置與運作,發揮電腦中介溝通與管理的功能,而行動研究、虛擬新聞室、及前饋與回饋的機制及運作,更隱含虛擬團隊運作、持續改善、知識管理、組織學習、關鍵鏈專案管理、及限制理論等管理哲學與思維。
Computers, networks, and digital techniques have brought new development opportunities for the media industries, and have gained much attention from practicing media managers and communication academic researchers. Media managers utilize Information Technology to improve media production performance, while communication researchers focus on observing interactions between online community members. In this article, the author stands on media ecology perspective, which has noted the importance of feed-forward and feed-back mechanism in maintaining systems developing. By taking the advantages of Computer-Mediated Communication, promoting organizational communication or improving organizational decision making process, and expanding CMC applications. Focusing on newspaper industries, the author based on the past discussions of the virtual newsroom, which was built on the IT platform, and implemented it in the field work. In order to evaluate the efficiency of implementing the virtual newsroom, Action Research was conducted in this study. The results indicated that implementation of the virtual newsroom had positive results for newspaper operations management. This resulted in an improvement of the quality in reporting, increasing communication frequencies between team members, and achieving knowledge sharing goal. Media virtual production team expands the applications of CMC, and fulfills many management philosophies, such as continuous improvement, knowledge management, critical chain project management, and organization learning. According to the results, media virtual team operations management is appropriate for media production and operations management.


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