標題: 電子報虛擬新聞室Intranet網路系統雛形建構-以交清電子報為例
A Design and Implementation of a Virtual Newsroom Intranet System for Electronic Newspapers : A Case Study of @CampusNews
作者: 林頎堯
Chi-Yao Lin
Pao-Fang Chang, Ph. D.
關鍵字: 內部網路;虛擬新聞室;電子報;intranet;virtual newsroom;electronic newspaper
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 本研究的研究目的,是要建立一個電子報的虛擬新聞室Intranet網路系統,來提高電子報工作者的工作效率及競爭力,並且進一步提供學術研究和實務應用的參考。 本研究首先針對電子報、虛擬新聞室及intranets等主題作了相關文獻的整理與回顧,並指出應用intranets原理建立一個電子報虛擬新聞室系統的可能性。 其次本研究經由對三個電子報工作人員的深度訪談,進一步了解這些個案在目前的工作流程中,使用intranets相關電腦系統以幫助作業的情形,以及所產生的效益和該組織未來在intranets上的發展方向。 在系統設計與系統建構部分,本研究選擇交清電子報作為虛擬新聞室Intranet系統雛形的建構對象,在實際參與交清電子報的工作流程後,並依照系統需求分析的結果,將系統劃分成編輯系統區、參考資料區、訊息公布區、意見交流區和使用說明區等五大功能區,再將相關的功能選項,分別設置在這些功能區之下。 系統建構完成後,為了檢視這個系統是否真正符合電子報工作者的需求,並且找出功能不足及尚待改進之處作為未來修正時的參考,本研究採用使用者評估法,邀請十五位交清電子報編輯部的工作人員,分別針對@CampusNews虛擬新聞室Intranet系統的功能運作,以及使用者介面等各個項目,進行測試評估工作。 評估之後發現,評估者認為這套系統對整個電子報工作的最重要助益,恰好與先前文獻探討與個案訪談中,所歸納出的intranets對組織的功效不謀而合。這些助益包括:1.節省人力及工作時間;2.簡化工作流程;3.資訊的整合;4.促進溝通互動;5.方便掌控工作進度;6.經濟而環保。此外,評估者也分別就系統各個功能區的運作,以及點選操作方式、網頁版面設計等使用者介面上仍有待改進的地方,提出了具體的建議。 本研究的主要貢獻包括:1. 提供整合的電子報工作環境;2. 確認虛擬新聞室Intranet系統的可行性;3.可做其他電子報建構類似系統時的參考。
The purpose of this study is to automate newsroom's processes of electronic newspapers and to provide some references for academic researches and practical applications in constructing intranet systems for electronic newspapers. This research first reviewed relevant literature on the subjects of electronic newspapers, virtual newsroom, and intranets, and examined the feasibility of constructing intranet systems for newsrooms. The research followed by intensive interviewing three electronic newspapers for cases study. It explored how electronic newspaper organizations can use intranet systems to help their work processes, the benefits, and their future developing directions. The study chose @CampusNews, a campus electronic newspaper, as an example to design and implement an intranet system. Based on the needs analysis of newsrooms' processes, five major function areas were derived: editing system, online references and resources, bulletin board, idea and opinion forum, and operation instructions. After the system was constructed, the study used user evaluation method to evaluate the system's functional performance and user interface. The evaluation showed that the most important benefits of the system are the same as the intranets benefits mentioned in literature review and intensive interviews. They are: 1.saving manpower and time; 2.simplifying workflow; 3.offering integrated information source; 4.enhancing communication and interaction; 5. easy to control schedule; 6. economical and environmental advantages. The main contributions of the study including: 1.providing an integrated working environment for electronic newspapers; 2.confirming the feasibility of a Virtual Newsroom Intranet System; 3. offering references in constructing similar systems to other electronic newspaper organizations.