標題: 初探傳統報業如何發展影音化數位匯流 ─以聯合報為例
Converging The Newsroom:A Preliminary Case Study on The Transition of udn
作者: 彭琬馨
Peng, Wan-Hsin
Lin, Chao-Chen
Huang, Shu- Ling
關鍵字: 傳統報紙;記者;數位匯流;媒體轉型;影音新聞;聯合報;Traditional newspaper;Journalist;Digital convergence;Media transition;Video news;udn
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年來隨著網路、行動裝置的普及,原本就面臨訂閱率下降、廣告收入銳減的傳統報紙產業,情況更是雪上加霜,不僅收入減少、閱聽眾大量流失,製作報紙的龐大成本也逐漸讓媒體公司不堪負荷,報紙轉型的需求日益迫切。本研究爬梳過去文獻先簡單定義媒體匯流概念,接著檢視國外媒體轉型經驗,並以聯合報系推行影音新聞做為分析對象,透過深度訪談了解傳統報紙如何因應數位匯流帶來的影響與衝擊。此外,本研究也關注匯流時代記者角色的轉變,過去一張紙、一隻筆就能跑新聞的記者,在數位時代來臨後,其專業技能、角色定位應如何調整?本研究將訪談對象粗分為主管與新聞工作者,藉此了解組織內部制定的轉型策略在第一線工作者執行的實際情況。
As the appearing of the Internet and mobile device, the falling of traditional newspaper industries seems more severe. The difficulty lies in not only the declining income, the loss of audience, but also the growing cost of making newspaper. The demand on the newspaper transition is almost inevitable. In order to understand how traditional newspaper faces the impact of digital convergence, this study examines previous literature, and tried to analyze the transition process of udn by comparing experiences from other countries. Also, we want to know the changing profession of journalists. What is the most important core ability for a journalist to survive in the future? What kind of attitude do they need to prepare for the next decade? This study separates managers and journalists, trying to focus on how these strategies work, how they affect the process of making news.