標題: 以Web 2.0觀念為基礎建構整合KM與協同型CRM之客戶服務平台雛型-以台灣SIP企業為例
A Prototype of Customer Service Platform With Corporate CRM and KM Based on Web 2.0 Concept-Taking Taiwan SIP Enterprise as An Example
作者: 林逸澄
Chiun-Sin Lin
關鍵字: 矽智財;知識管理;顧客關係管理;協同合作;SIP;knowledge management(KM);customer relationship management (CRM);Cooperation;prototyping model
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 台灣IC設計產業已經在國際市場佔有一定的地位,但是在IC設計產業上游,更高毛利的矽智財(SIP)方面,台灣尚處於發展階段;雖然目前台灣矽智財(SIP)仍屬於新興的產業,但在下游IC設計服務的成熟,優越的晶圓代工基礎,加上封裝、測試產業配合,矽智財卻是台灣IC設計產業升級的方向。 SIP產業關鍵成功因素為SIP資料庫的建立、SIP取得能力、驗證準確性與時效性、與代工業者合作關係,而這些因素則取決於企業研發創意、創新的研發能力與技術服務能力,其中在技術服務上是屬於與客戶互動密切營運模式,對於SIP產業這種與客戶互動性高的產業,為了能夠充份滿足客戶,及時解決客戶問題,協助客戶產品研發上,能夠及時上市搶得先機,資訊系統的配合是不可或缺的,由於SIP產業結合了智慧財產權的營運與協同式研究開發,與目前一般產業有很大差異,因此有必要對於此產業的資訊系統做進一步研究與分析。 本研究嘗試去建構一個能夠符合台灣SIP產業的自動化客戶服務平台雛型;考量了SIP產業與客戶互動關係緊密,兼具了服務、共享及技術合作等特性,在評估SIP實際營運的情形與所遇到的問題之後,歸納整個營運上會涵蓋了知識管理(KM)、顧客關係管理(CRM)與協同合作(Cooperation)等三種資訊管理特質,因此必須將此三種資訊管理特質加以整合納入,同時由於網際網路Web 2.0的概念也非常符合此種服務平台,因此也採用了Web 2.0的概念與技術,來強化了整個資訊系統;至於在資訊系統建構的方法上,則採用了資訊系統發展模式中的雛型模式作為主要核心,並參考一般系統發展程序及所需之資訊技術規格,構成整個雛型系統建構的研究方法。 本研究所建構的雛型系統,可以提供SIP業者在與客戶互動密切營運模式上,資訊系統方面的解決方案,而透過雛型的建立後,除了能夠改善目前的營運作業效率外,在此雛型基礎上,進一步的改善強化此資訊平台應用內容,更能大大提昇企業的競爭力。
The industry of IC design in Taiwan has already played an important role in international market. But SIP industry, the upstream IC design and higher gross margin field, is still in development stage in Taiwan. Even thought SIP industry is emerging in Taiwan, SIP industry will be the upgrade direction of industry is undoubted. Because of the mature of IC design and advantage of semiconductor OEM and tied in with fullness semiconductor packaging and testing. The key success factors of SIP industry include SIP database creation, obtainment, verification, timely effectiveness and relationship with OEM. These factors are based on abilities of creation, innovation and technical service in enterprise. Among these abilities, technical service is close cooperation with customer. In order to fulfill customer requests help customer to solve problems in time and shorten the time to market of product effectively, built an information system is necessary. Because of SIP characteristics involve intellectual property and cooperation research are very different to other industries, general information system is not fit and need to do further research and analysis. This research wants to build a system prototype of automatically customer service platform that consider the situation of the close cooperation relationship between SIP provider and its customer and also own some characteristics include service, information sharing and technological cooperation. For this purpose, this system prototype is designed to combines knowledge management (KM), customer relationship management (CRM) and cooperation development system and enhances service structure by following Web 2.0 technical concept. This research also adopts prototyping model as the master approach of system development. Finally, this prototype provides an IT solution to support business operation of SIP enterprise. It is not only can improve operation efficiency and also promote the competitiveness of SIP enterprise.