标题: 以资料仓储为基础建构整合在制品资讯系统-以半导体厂为例
Establishing a Data Warehouse in Total WIP Information Systems - A Case Study in a Semiconductor Manufacture
作者: 赵俊强
Chun-Chiang Chao
Chyan Yang
关键字: 在制品;在线上运作的晶舟单位数;资料仓储;制造执行系统;资料萃取转换载入;Wafer In Process;lot;Data Warehouse;Manufacturing Execution System;Extract Transform Load
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 半导体业的生产过程中包含不同生产阶段,有 Wafer Process(晶圆加工)、 CP(晶圆测试)、AP(封装)、FT(测试)及最后的成品仓(WH)阶段,各阶段所采用的制造执行系统或生产控制系统并不相同,即便是同一阶段,如 Wafer Process,各厂的生产控制系统也未必相同,各系统间独立运作,或以特定之介面作资料交换,导致想要追踪Lot资讯变成复杂的工作。


There are different stages in the production process of the semiconductor fabrication. They have WP(Wafer Process) , CP (Circuit Probing) , AP (Assembly ) , FT (Final Test ) and the last stage WH (Warehouse ) . The manufacture executive systems or production control systems are not the same at every stage. Even if it is at the same stage, such as Wafer Process, the manufacture executive systems of every fabrication may not be the same either.
Operated independently among every system, or the data exchange with the specific interface, tracking of lot of information is a complicated work.
Tracking where the lot is, we must be able to monitor search all MES activities in production control systems. Without data warehouse, to integrate different programs in a coherent way is very complicated and degrade the performance. There are time differences among the system. When preprocessing data, lot may disappear by the point of the transfer stage.
This research is to propose a data warehouse oriented Total WIP System. WIP manager can get the lot information fast and correctly.