Title: 設計與導入製造執行系統於太陽能電池廠之研究
The Design and Implementation of Manufacturing Execution System in Solar Industry
Authors: 蘇育志
Yh Chih Su
Ruey Shun Chen
Keywords: 太陽能電池;雛型法;製造執行系統;生產指標;Solar Cell;Prototyping;MES;Production Indices
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 生產自動化已是台灣製造業,不被人力取代的重要資源,而隨著製造業不斷的外移及製造成本持續下降的壓力下,如何提昇生產良率及降低不必要的生產浪費及良好的品質管制,已經是製造業的生產管理核心,而 MES 系統正扮演此一整合角色。由於現今市場上主要之MES系統均著重在於半導體、液晶面板及各組裝模組產業,針對目前現有之太陽能電池廠(Solar Cell),產品製造過程中無任何辨識碼,是無法支援及運作,因此需要一套適合太陽能電池廠之MES系統。 本論文以IBM 所生產之MES系統「LCD View」為系統基礎模型、並利用資訊系統建構之「雛型法( Prototyping )」為理論基礎,進行適合太陽能電池廠之MES系統建置,並結合現有之Solar Cell廠作業模式,依據LCD View系統架構進行設計,開發出一套適用於Solar Cell廠之MES系統。 本研究結果所開發之該Solar Cell MES系統,其可提高「製造作業」及「製程分析」人員之工作效率,並藉由即時品質異常分析與即時機況回報、原物料分析、生產指標等管理資訊,協助生產管理者適時地做出生產決策並提昇產品產出與良率。
The production automation has already in manufacturing industry of Taiwan, the important resources not replaced by manpower, and under the pressure dropped with the constant moving outside of manufacturing industry and manufacturing cost continuously. How to promote on produce the good yield and reduce unnecessary waste and good quality to control, it is the production management core of the manufacturing industry . The MES system is support manufacturing management sytem . Current marketing major MES system support in semiconductor , LCD and module industry , but can’t surppot to Solar Cell Industry . So need to custommize MES system on Solar Cell factory. This thesis reference IBM MES system ' LCD View ' produces to design the basic model of the system . Using prototyping rule implement SolarCell MES system and combines current Solar Cell manufacturing flow develop to Solar Cell MESsolution. The thesis result in house design Solar Cell MES system . They can be reduce ‘manufacture operation’ and ‘process analysis’ working procedure.Using real time qualiy control,equipment status response , original supplies analysis, production indecies information.Support to factory manager production decision and promote products producing and good yield.
Appears in Collections:Thesis