Title: 台灣IC產業推動MES的現況分析
MES Adopting Experience of Taiwan IC Industry
Authors: 李雅婷
Huial-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 製造執行系統;半導體;Manufacturing Execution System;IC
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System, MES)是整合生產過程中各種相關資訊的即時連線電腦系統,具備資料蒐集、在製品追蹤、物料管理、存貨管理、例外管理、品質管理等功能。 IC生產步驟複雜、加工設備昂貴、產品種類繁多、產品生命週期短,所以對於IC廠商而言,非常需要一套製造執行系統來管理生產現場,以因應顧客不斷變動的需求,迎接e時代的競爭與挑戰。製造執行系統可以協助IC廠商蒐集現場資料,將資料轉換為有用的資訊,掌控生產現場,達到工廠自動化管理與最大效率的目標。 台灣IC廠商已陸續大筆投資導入MES,其過程與經驗非常值得其它IC廠商參考。本研究訪問目前台灣IC產業已採用MES系統的廠商,整理其導入的經驗與所遭遇的困難,以供其它有意導入MES系統的廠商參考。
MES is on-line computer application system that integrates all relevant real-time information along every step in a manufacturing process. The functions of MES include data collection, WIP (work in process) tracking, material management, inventory management, exception management, and quality management etc. IC foundry manufacturing has the following characteristics: over 300 processes, very expensive equipment, a large variety of products, and short product life cycle. Therefore, MES is essential for IC foundry manufacturers for gathering real-time production line information, supporting manufacturing decision making, and increasing manufacturing efficiency. Taiwan IC manufacturers have invested in MES in the past few years. This research interviewed managers responsible for implementing MES systems from Taiwan’s leading IC manufacturers. Their MES adaptation experiences can benefit other IC manufacturers as well as manufacturers from other industry sectors.
Appears in Collections:Thesis