標題: MSN即時數位參考服務之使用研究:以交通大學圖書館為例
Usage research of MSN real-time digital reference service:A case study in National Chiao Tung University Library
作者: 李雅惠
Lee, Ya-Hui
Ke, Hao-Ren
關鍵字: MSN;即時數位參考服務;Digital Reference;MSN;Real-Time Digital Reference Service
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 圖書館是為使用者而存在,圖書館的任何服務都須符合使用者的需求和期望,以發揮服務真正的功能和效能。交通大學圖書館自民國96年8月推出MSN即時數位參考服務至今已近兩年,究竟其實施成效如何?使用者的滿意度又如何?是否有需要改善之處?故希望透過本研究調查了解使用者對交通大學圖書館MSN即時數位參考服務的使用情況與看法,以改善與增進服務品質,提供更貼近使用者需求的優質服務。 研究之進行乃採用問卷調查法與內容分析法,研究對象為具有使用交通大學圖書館MSN即時數位參考服務之經驗者。在問卷方面,共回收問卷274份,淨回收率為76.5%,封閉性問題依研究問題性質採用描述性統計、交叉分析、卡方檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析、t檢定以及單因子變異數分析進行資料分析;開放性問題則以人工方式進行彙整。在內容分析方面,則整理從民國96年8月16起至民國98年3月31日止之1172件問題紀錄單,依使用量和問題類型進行分析。 主要研究結論如下: 1. 圖書館進行即時數位參考服務使用評估所使用的研究方法主要為內容分析與使用者問卷調查。 2. 交通大學圖書館提供數位參考服務為電子郵件、網頁表單形式以及MSN即時數位參考服務。民國97年數位參考服務工具使用排名仍以E-mail使用率最高,MSN使用率後勢看漲。 3. 使用者再次使用MSN即時數位參考服務詢問問題的比例頗高,使用超過1次的使用者高於只用1次的使用者。 4. 使用者選擇MSN即時數位參考服務的理由為沒時間親自到館詢問館員及快速獲得問題解答之比例最高。 5. 使用者得知MSN即時數位參考服務主要是從圖書館網頁得知,表示將該服務的訊息置於圖書館首頁,有達到宣傳和推廣的效果。 6. 大學生通常在校內宿舍使用該服務居多,研究生和教職員通常位於校內研究室或辦公室使用較多,校外人士通常位於校外使用較多。 7. 使用者認為MSN即時數位參考服務的主要優點為容易操作,缺點方面以無法用文字將問題表達清楚比例最高,此結果符合使用者遭遇困難的狀況。 8. MSN詢問次數頻率愈高的使用者,對服務的感受同意度愈高。 9. 使用即時通訊軟體的經驗愈久與MSN詢問次數頻率愈高的使用者,對服務滿意度愈高。 依據結論提出五點研究建議: 1. 持續推廣MSN即時數位參考服務。 2. 增進參考晤談的能力。 3. 評估增加語音通話和視訊功能之可能性。 4. 持續改善服務品質。 5. 定期評鑑。
A library exists for the users. In order to develop ideal functions and performances, what the users need and want should be provided by the library. The MSN real-time digital reference service (MSN reference service, for short) was launched by the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) Library in August, 2007. After two years of practice, there are some ideas aroused. In order to understand the advantages and usability of this service, and the satisfaction and suggestions from users with this service, this study conducts the user questionnaire survey and content analysis to reveal the usage of and users’ opinions about this service. The objects of the questionnaire are those who have used the MSN reference service of NCTU Library, A total of 274 responses (78.1%) are collected. The close-ended questions are analyzed via descriptive statistics, Chi-square, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Regression, t-test, One-way ANOVA. The response of open-ended questions were manually analyzed and subsumed into results. With regard to content analysis, 1172 transcripts are analyzed according to different aspects of usage and question types. The research findings can be summarized as follows: 1. The primary methodologies used to evaluate the usage of real-time digital reference service in libraries are content analysis and user questionnaire survey. 2. NCTU Library provides three kinds of digital reference services, which are E-mail, Web-form, and MSN. E-mail ranks the highest usage among all digital reference services of NCTU Library in the past and current years; however, the usage of MSN is soaring. 3. Many users of the MSN reference service are returning users. The number of returning users is more than one-shot users. 4. The primary reasons for the users to choose the MSN reference service are no time to go to the library and able to get answers quickly. 5. The primary channel for the users to know the MSN reference service was the Website of NCTU Library. 6. Dormitories are the main locations for the undergraduates to use the MSN reference services; laboratory and offices for the graduates and staff; off-campus for the non-NCTU users. 7. The primary advantage of the MSN reference service is easy-to-use. The primary disadvantage is the difficulty to express questions in text.. 8. Those who use the MSN reference service frequently have a high tendency to agree with this service. 9. Those who have used instant messaging for a long time and those who use the MSN reference service frequently have the tendency to be satisfied with the MSN reference service. Five suggestions are raised according to the research findings: 1. continuous promotion of the MSN reference service; 2. improvement of the reference interview; 3. continuous enhancement of the service quality; 4. regular evaluation; 5. assessment of the probability of activating the VoIP and Webcam mechanisms in the real-time digital reference service;


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