標題: 高科技廠房營建階段高處作業防墜措施之探討
The research of the high elevation falling accident prevention for the high technology construction stage
作者: 馮文政
Fang, Wen-Jeng
Chen, Chun-Sheng
關鍵字: 高處作業防墜措施;high elevation falling accident prevention
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 長久以來,『高處墜落災害』一直無時無刻的威脅著營造工地作業勞工的生命安全,並同時造成家庭與的社會重大損失。 依據勞委會公告資料,在95年營造業死亡人數雖自199人降至187人,惟建築工程死亡人數卻自75人攀升至108人,其最常見之災害類型為「墜落滾落」,共計有78人死亡,佔72.2%。 營建包商往往在利潤與進度為第一的考量下,致勞工安全衛生的工作的推展一直備受忽略(特別是在開口防護部份)。 但隨時代潮流演進,勞工福利愈受重視,如何保障勞工免於生命、財產受到威脅,已經成為勞工行政政策的重點。開口防護及檢查,即在於防止勞工職業災害的發生,尤其是建廠工程施工及工廠作業場所中之開口墜落災害防止,更須加以重視。 以下將以個人在台中廠建廠之經驗(93.11~94.12)與結合實際每日工安協議組織運作之數據,提供營建階段各進度概況與高處作業危害防止措施進行說明。並從其中,針對開口防護問題,提出現行勞安法規與一般施工經驗所不及說明之特殊經驗分享 (如針對管道間、電梯直井開發出可調式安全護欄、格子樑孔採用人員背負安全橫桿及格子樑孔專用蓋板、無塵室天花板利用無塵室天花板骨架與T型螺絲、吊架環、葫蘆鉤,再以棉繩與安全網串接之無塵室天花板專用安全網,並經建廠過程中實地驗證其防護成效良好,同時推展至各廠區全面實施。
For a very long time, the occupational accident from high elevation falling is the major threat to the construction labor's life and causing a significant loses to their family and society. According to the report of Taiwan Labor committee in 2006, the total loses of construction labor's life is reduced from 199 to 187. On the other hand, the loses of the falling accident from high elevation reaches 108 labor's lives from 75 in 2005 and contributes 72.2% of total loses. As the matter of facts, the promotion of labor safety, especially in “opening protection, is been neglected since the profit and project schedule is the priority to the constructor. However, as the demands of labor's welfare is getting more aware than before.labor safety and life protection becomes the key task to the labor administration policy of each construction project. To prevent labors from occupational accident of high elevation falling, the operation of opening inspection and protection in the area of construction sites and factories has to be managed well day by day. Therefore, I’d like to combine my professional experiences while working at AUO Taichung site since 2004 and the daily reports from labor safety organization to demonstrate the general situation of all construction phases and “high elevation operation hazard prevention” Among this research, I would like to demonstrate the improving operations and designs in the following sites of opening of high elevation which has been proved in the practical operations: 1. For the sites of pipe room and elevator well: Using an adjustable safety railings. 2. Waffle Slab Holes: Using portable safety bar and cover. 3. The ceiling grid of clean room: Using for the clean room safety nets with special design of connection by T- screw、O-screw、Hu-Lu hook、Net Loops and cycle hook.


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