標題: 工作地點改變對員工通勤行為影響因素之研究
Research on the Factors of Relocated Workplace and Commuting Patterns of the Employees- a case study of the North ATS Park
作者: 張雅淳
Yea-Chwen CHANG
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: 通勤行為;commuting pattern
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 民航局推動多年之台北飛航情報區「通訊、導航、監視與飛航管理(CNS/ATM)發展建置計畫」已近完成。在該項計畫中除採購建置先進之飛航管理系統(ATMS)、航空情報服務系統(AISS)及數位語音交換系統(DVCSS)等設備外,而為配合新一代設備之性能,期能快速、有效執行航管作業及縮短航管單位間之協調。 現行五個近場台、一個區域管制中心將朝南、北兩大中心的方向整併。臺北近場管制塔臺與臺北區域管制中心將合併為北部飛航服務園區;高雄近場管制塔臺與臺東近場管制塔臺將合併為南部飛航服務園區;花蓮近場管制臺將整併至北部飛航服務園區;臺中近場臺將整併至北部飛航服務園區及南部飛航服務園區。 在以上變動下,北部飛航服務園區設於桃園縣觀音鄉,整併後因工作地點之改變對員工的工作-居住與通勤距離產生不同程度的影響。有一大部份員工的工作與家庭都可能受到或多或少的影響,部份員工可能會因之對未來職場與家庭間之配合關係作某種程度的改變或調整。本文主旨乃在探討未來整併工作地點於北部飛航服務園區對員工的工作-居住均衡變動影響,希望藉由對這些員工的背景及未來決策之調查分析,瞭解工作地點改變對通勤行為影響因素之研究,進一步瞭解因為工作地點改變對北部飛航服務園區員工因應通勤距離增長或縮短,選擇新的通勤方式或選擇不同決策考量之影響因素。
Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), facing the challenge of global growth trends in air transport and changing aviation environment, has invsted heavily to establish and to use of advances technical and new Air Traffic Procedures for Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) in the Taipei FIR. To achieve its ATM goals and enhance the quality and efficiency of air traffic services in the Taipei FIR, the CAA will implement the new ATM system (ATMS), consolidate its ATC units, restructure the airspace, and install the ATMS in new consolidated facilities in the North and South ATS Park. The future ATM organizations will be consolidated into North and South ATS Park. All ATC units in charge of IFR flight control will be consolidated into North and South ATS Park. Taipei Terminal Control Center (TCC) will be combined into Taipei Area Control Center (TACC) at the North ATS Park. Taitung TCC will be combined into Kaohsiung TCC at the South ATS Prak. Hualien TCC will be combined into the North ATS Park. And Taichung TCC will be divided into two parts: one part will be combined into the North ATS Park, and the other combined into the South ATS Park. But on the other hand, the North ATS Park has brought negative impacts to the employees, their famlies and the environment of Taoyuan. Therefore, this study is focused on the influence of the employees. And through paper review and the questionnaires, the decisions and commuting behaviors of the employees in the North ATS Park was investigated. Then, by analyzing, the demands and commuting patterns of the employees in the North ATS Park was statistically analyzed. With the suggestions from this study, th negative impact of the North ATS Park to Taoyuan adjoining areas is expected to be reduced. Also, these suggested strategies may be able to reduce unnecessary commutation to improve the working environment of the North ATS Park, and to benefit the employees.


  1. 150701.pdf
  2. 150702.pdf

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