標題: 激發式動態呈現教學設計之研究-以二元一次方程式的圖形為例
A Study on Instructional Design by Trigger-based Animation in the Graphs of Linear Equations in Two Variables
作者: 洪榮忠
Jung-Chung Hung
Ming-Jang Chen
Yuan Yuan
關鍵字: 多媒體學習;激發式動態呈現;認知負荷;學習成就;multimedia learning;trigger-based animation;cognition load;learning achievement
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 如何利用現代資訊科技融入課堂協助學生的學習,一直是教育專家努力的方向。教材以課堂授課為導向的呈現方式,除了傳統的黑板、粉筆外,利用『激發式動態呈現』的教學簡報,從激發學生的注意力進而引導學習;其方法是以一個物件控制一連串訊息的動態呈現,或多個物件來控制單一訊息的呈現,教學訊息可選擇性、隨意性或預先安排的呈現,因此教師可適性地與全班互動。 延續過去學者所提出的教材設計原則,本研究將以七年級數學教材中二元一次方程式的圖形為例,去檢視以激發式動態呈現的教學設計相較於一般傳統的簡報教學,是否有較好的學習成就和較低的認知負荷。 本研究採準實驗設計,以兩個七年級的班級學生進行教學實驗,由實驗得到的結果顯示,激發式動態呈現的教學設計可以協助低學業成就的學生,不論在學習成就或降低認知負荷都有較佳的表現。
How to use modern information science and technology to help students’ learning in the classroom has been the education experts’ goal. Instead of using the traditional blackboard and chalk method to present subject content in the classroom, "Instructional Design by Trigger-based Animation" methodology stimulates students’ attention and guides them into learning much more effectively; The method is to control the presentation dynamically with a succession of information about an object, or many objects can control the presentation of a single concept. Subject content can be presented optionally randomly or in advance, so that the teacher can interact with the whole class on an equal level. To continue the design principle of the teaching material that scholars had put forward, this study takes “the graphs of linear equation with two variables” in Seventh Grade Mathematics teaching material as the example, to compare the methodology of trigger-based animation with the traditional methodology to investigate whether there is better learning achievement and a lower cognitive load. This study uses a quasi-experimental design. The teaching experiment will be conducted with two classes of Seventh graders. The results obtained from the experiments show that the "Instructional Design by Trigger-based Animation" methodology can help the students who are poor achievers do better on not only learning achievement but reducing the cognitive load.


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