標題: 台電公司配電系統線路損失改善措施之成本效益分析
A Cost Benefit Analysis of Distribution System Line Losses Improvement of Taipower Company
作者: 柴建業
Chien-Yen Chai
Jin-Li Hu
關鍵字: 配電系統;降低線損;成本效益分析;情境分析;敏感度分析;柏瑞圖;Distribution System;Feeder Loss Reduction;Cost Benefit Analysis;Scenario Analysis;Sensitivity Analysis;Pareto Analysis
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 配電系統乃整體電力系統中最接近顧客端的環節,惟因涉及線路特性與用戶負載習慣等複雜因素,相較輸電系統,其實際線路損失之數據難以取得。因此國內、外已有許多針對配電系統線路損失之相關研究,但相關研究大多針對配電系統各部份損失之比例,利用建立各種理論模型,再輸入系統參數後,以電腦模擬之損失狀況,並進而推論應用相關改善措施之可行性。且既有之研究重點,多針對改善成效與運用時機提出見解,鮮少對減少線損措施的投入與產出關係有所著墨。故本文主要目的在於利用工程經濟之角度,利用台電公司新建置饋線自動化系統所紀錄配電線路之實際負載數據能,並配合台電公司實際工程耗費之成本加以分析,以探討減少配電系統線路損失的相關改善措施間成本與效益間的關係,再利用情境與敏感度分析,以探討相關重要情境因數變異時,效益值之變化情形,期於公司面臨嚴峻環境挑戰時,能提供相關效益參數,供經營者參考。 本研究主要發現如下: (1)本研究取樣所使用之饋線自動化系統,可印證「變革管理」中引進科技工具,將對組織產生整體性之影響。 (2)就現階段可能發生之負載成長率下,大部份短期線路損失改善措施之效益明顯優於長期之改善措施。 (3)無論是以自動化開關遙控操作或以人工現場測量操作調整連絡開關位置以平衡饋線間負載之作法,其改善效率均明顯優於其他線損之改善措施,故現階段如欲減少配電系統之線損,應將其列為首要工作。
Distribution system is the most accessible joint for the customers, comparing to the whole power system. The actual numbers of the line losses are much harder to obtain than the transmission system. Although there are a lot of existing studies of the distribution line losses, most of them assumed parameters in various models to simulate line losses condition and then further to deduce that the possibility by applying some relatives improve measurements. This thesis bases on engineering economics to use the real load data from the new feeder automation system built up by the Taipower and then does the Pareto analysis of reducing distribution line losses. The sensitivity and scenario analyses are applied to study the relation between cost and benefit. The major findings are as follows: 1. Under the current loading growth rates, the short-term are much better than the long-term line loss reduction measures. 2. Both remote automatic or manual switches to balance the loading among the feeders are superior to other improvement mesaures. 3. The feeders automation system is an example of a newly introduced tevhnology with remarkably side benefits.
Appears in Collections:Thesis