標題: 社會資本與社區營造:以湖口鄉信勢社區為個案研究
Social capital and community building:A case study of Sin Shih community, Hukou township.
作者: 楊桂珍
Kuei-chen Yang
Hsin-Yi Lu
關鍵字: 社會資本;社區營造;信勢社區;Social capital;Community building;Sin Shih community
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究以社會資本角度,分析湖口鄉信勢社區營造的模式,並探討社會資本與社區營造的關係。透過田野調查,針對參與營造活動的志工和住戶進行深度訪談,了解信勢社區營造的緣起、過程和動員民眾參與的策略,分析營造成功的關鍵。在本文中,將社會資本視為鑲嵌於社區網絡的資源,透過行動及動員組織居民,運用網絡裡的資源,促成社區居民集體行動。 研究發現:信勢社區透過文康競賽活動,增進住戶之間共同對話機會與聯絡情感,進而組成管委會與志工團,以總幹事陳文通先生為中心,形成社區網絡。社區各種人才的資源,鑲嵌於社區網絡結構中,每個人才資源都願意為社區服務及貢獻自己的力量,這種付出的熱忱,進而帶動其他住戶參與改造行動,也因此漸漸累積社區的社會資本。住戶在參與改造行動中,對社區產生認同感形成社區意識,居民之間也發展出信任與規範等社會資本,這些無形的資本,又可促進社區合作,凝聚出維護環境的共識,使營造工作能持續不間斷。所以社區營造與社會資本的關係為:每個社區都有獨特的資源可以運用,若能將資源嵌入社區網絡結構中,形成社區網絡,即象徵社區成員共同關係形成,產生情感連結,有助於形成社區意識,進而匯集成一股動力,促成集體行動,讓社區營造工作能持續性發展。所以由信勢社區個案研究結果發現,社會資本對社區營造的重要性為:強化社區居民的認同感,促進居民合作使組織運作順暢,促成社區形成集體力量能更容易解決共同問題。
This research examines the community-building model of Sin Shih Community in Hukou Township with a viewpoint of social capital and, furthermore, explores the relationships between social capital and community-building. Studying through the method of fieldwork, we interviewed the volunteers and residents involved in community activities to know the origin, processes and promoting strategies of their community-building and analyze the key issues of their success. In this thesis, social capital is viewed as a resource embedded in social network and it promotes group actions of community residents via action and mobilization. Our research finds that 1. The social network of Sin Shih Community is consolidated via cultural and sport competitions, management committee and volunteer groups, which are organized and promoted by Mr. Chen (the director-general of the community management committee). 2. All kinds of human resources in the community are embedded in their social network. Everyone is glad to involve in community service and devote one’s capability. Therefore, this gradually accumulates the social capital of the community. 3. Through participating in community reconstruction activities, residents identify themselves and form community consciousness. In addition, residents can develop social capital at the same time, such as trust and norm, which could encourage community cooperation and keep community-building activities going. In sum, the importance of social capital on community building includes: strengthening residents’ identification, encouraging cooperation among residents to make community organizations work well, and consolidating group power to solve common problems more easily.


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